Guess who's gonna be a dad ! woohoo

Nice one Elton, best wishes for you and your family :smiley:

Congrats to you and Emma.

Jo x

Get yer kip in, night duties ahead :shock:
Good luck to you and your family,

Congratulations to you both :smiley:

Many congratulations! It’s a life changing event… and one of the most beautiful things that can happen to two people in love. :smiley:

Well just a small update on this one,

It turns out that my grandfather was a twin and it skips a generation. My sister has 2 lovely girls but they are not twins…oh dear , me thinks it might be double trouble on the way :shock: :shock: :smiley:

Emma has her first scan tomorrow to check for a few things and see how many we should expect.

Well chuffed :stuck_out_tongue:

our first is due in feb, im down to only 1 boat and 3 cars already!! not a cheap do i can tell you

Hi Elton,

Yep me too, we had a scan a couple of weeks ago and confirmed that Lenny is preggers, baby due 2nd June so looks like we might just beat you by a couple of weeks! lol
