I'm a Dad :-)

congratulations to you both and baby Daniel!


Just seen this - congrats to all of you and hope you have managed some sleep since last week :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay but here’s a few photo’s :smiley:

And here’s one of GTNewbie holding Daniel

Ahh bless mate

little bundle of trouble

Craig :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t really call Rich little but you’re spot on with bundle of trouble :rofl:

Fantastic news. Congratulations guys!! :slight_smile:


Bless, Congratulation wish you all the best :smiley:


Sorry Damon & Sandra I don`t know how i missed this event, Congratulations to you both from myself & Diane :smiley: :smiley:

Julian/Diane xx

Me too, congratulations to you both

Sorry i missed this as well
Congratulations is in order from me to you both :dummy:

Kind regards

PS. Looks like Richards up for a bit of breast feeding in that pic :lol: