Next newsletter update

Gav… What you just said started me thinking last night… if there’s always such a shortage of what
to put in the news letter then may be it would be an idea to offer a few members their own
column or even a full page… news papers do it and would relieve some of the tasks of trying to
find enough to fill the news letter as the person would be responsible for filling their own

It’s just an idea that came to me after you said about my write up on the ISM and to be honest
theres plenty of little bits of self help knowledge that could fill a page for those that are not so
mechanically minded and spend fortunes on the simplest of jobs… a bit like these easy pc books
or whatever their called for those that don’t understand computers or the net… I know I could fill
up a page of similar basic self help knowledge as well as other bits of possible interest for quite a
number of news letters but would be no point if its not going to be used and wouldn’t want to
start thinking it was something regular only to find the column / page dropped the following

Perhaps other members if offered would take on a section of the news letter and do the same ?

Just an idea :roll:

theres plenty of little bits of self help knowledge that could fill a page for those that are not so mechanically minded and spend fortunes on the simplest of jobs[/quote]

This was exactly what I was thinking but couldn’t work out how to put it into words. :slight_smile:

Another really good idea. Could be applied to technical as well as cleaning, mods, etc, etc.


The Newsletter Discussion

Myself & Tracy head the Newsletter 2 years ago, with the intention of getting 4 issues out a year. The first year with a struggle we managed 2 issues. The second we only managed 1.

This is not because we are a pair of lazy toads, it was because of the lack of input. If you go to ALL my related Newsletter posts in the past, you can see the amount of effort that has been made to get articles in.

We have specified on numerous occasions that it DOES NOT need to be car related.

We have asked for people at local meets to send in information.

Mini fixes

Member profiles

Body kits & Conversions

Trader Adverts

Member adverts



How to’s

Write ups on major meets.


No disrespect to you guys but again take a look at the old Newsletter posts and see the enthusiasm at the start of each new issue. I read the opinions and ideas that are put forward and think great and cannot wait to start. It’s all pie in the sky, as I find myself bugging people either by PM or Email to get articles in. (the majority of which never arrive)

Before I carry on with my rant, let me say a massive Thanks to people who have made such an effort to get things in and contribute to what issues have gone out there.


I know the problems you had before Tracy and I took over the Newsletter and you know us well enough, that your articles could have been sent in and used.

The idea of a Member’s Column is good, but at the end of the day, a Member writing up a column is no different to them writing an article and sending it to us, it will still need to be sent and formatted into the Newsletter and on the basis that we struggle to get articles in, presumably we would also struggle to get these Member’s columns in too.


Again I love the enthusiasm, but as I stated earlier been there before. It takes more members like you to create a Newsletter.

The method of producing the Newsletter.

Electronically or Hard copy?

What you have to remember is that the number of people that frequent the forum is only small compared to members that have joined and only wish to come online when an issue arises with their car. When an issue is sent out in hard copy it can generate interest in these people to come and take a look at what’s going off. Maybe another way would be to send the electronic issues out to all the members via email.

The electronic version Baldeagle created and put on the site was fantastic. Even had help offered from him regarding the Newsletter, but help can only be used when content is there.

As previously posted, this is on the Agenda for the AGM, but for those that are unable to attend, we take your comments/ideas on board and will put them to the attendees for discussion on the day.


Thanks for the reply Stevie,

It was very much in my mind that the newsletter could be sent out electronically via email to all club members. Almost everyone checks their emails frequently.

It would also represent a major saving to the club of £1600 per year (based on last years accounts). :slight_smile:


To underline Stevies point again, and that which I made earlier - it’s easy to fixate on the way the newsletter gets sent out, but it’s absolutely pointless if nobody sends anything IN…

In this thread, only 2 or 3 people have expressed any interest, and thats what Steve and Tracie have to contend with. Sorry if that offends anyone, but sadly its the truth.

And to emphasise Stevie’s point once more–IT DOES’NT HAVE TO BE CAR RELATED.

The last issue contained an article that i sent in about my early days on two wheels, and i have sent an article for inclusion about my early days on two wings.
Now although i don’t really give a toss as to how many people read them or even if they enjoy reading them, at least i responded to Stevie’s request for articles. Come on guys and gals, some of you must have done something with your lives apart from being stuck under a bonnet. :wink: :wink:
It’s our club so lets have a club magazine worthy of our members

Note to Steve-----Chapter 3 entitled “My life on a desert island” is already penned, but i fear it will never make the next edition due to lack of interest by our majority :evil: :evil: :evil:


Not sure how I want to respond to this… I want to remain positive but it seems like the fate of the newsletter is already decided. It might as well be scrapped and save the money. :?

Personally I am not ‘fixated’ on how it’s sent out and I feel you have missed the real point I was making. My primary suggestion was that lot of content could be lifted from the forum directly without needing any contributions at all. I produced a cr**py page in 20 minutes - think what Stevie and Tracie could do?

I also quote the title of this section of the forum

“Please use this section if you have any news you wish to spread, e.g. births, deaths, marriages, accidents. Submissions may be used to form content for future newsletter articles.”


I have never seen the newsletter so i cant comment on the content.
But i was disappointed by the amount of interest this gathered and I suppose Ian is right there is probably 3 people actively discussing the improvements or how people could get their fingers out and get involved.
If there is a general lack of interest across the board then bin it.
They will soon shout then if its missed and it may be appreciated more.
Certainly will save some cash and give those concerned who take the time and effort to produce the newsletter time to do their own things.
Just my opinion.

In my opinion scrapping the news letter would be like cutting down on some of the topics we all
enjoy on this forum… . especially now that Steve and Tracie has taken it over and produced this
club a news letter that’s of a quality this club can be more than proud of…

We are always talking about the membership for this club goes far beyond just the gto
information that this forum contains but for some of us who for one reason or another are unable
to attend the meets and different events where such extra benefits are clearly enjoyed by those
that can… loosing the news letter would for those not attending the events be cutting what little
benefits they do receive…

True the forum and its vast knowledge alone is worth every penny of a membership fee even if
there was nothing else… but there is and we often go on about how much enjoyment those that
do attend events benefit from the club… but may be some of us cant afford to travail half way
across England and then pay out for hotels and restaurant meals to be able to enjoy these
benefits… so wouldn’t killing the news letter off be a little unfair for those that never get to see
the extra’s that, if you can afford it are receive from a years membership…

Ok… before I am shouted down with comments of… “ We’ll it wouldn’t be chucked if more
members supplied something for the news letter “ but… and it’s a big BUT… this topic alone is
now demonstrating not a positive view toward encouraging fresh input for the news letter but
more of a negative let’s give it up view… anyone reading it would in my opinion now think… well
there seems little point in creating something for the news letter as every one seems to be talking
as if its not going to happen…

The first post that started this topic so clearly there is some if only a little interest there… but if
you read through all the comments within this topic it has come across as being very negative
and that isn’t going to encourage contributions…

What you have to remember is that the number of people that frequent the forum is only small
compared to members that have joined and only wish to come online when an issue arises with
their car. When an issue is sent out in hard copy it can generate interest in these people to come
and take a look at what’s going off.

Spot on Steve… I totally agree

Oh!.. I will see if I can come up with a contribution myself… :wink:

I’m not propsoing scrapping it, and the cost has never been raised as an issue here. It’s simply content. If you bring it, Steve and Tracie will put it together, and we’ll get it out to you guys. Simples!

I guess that should fill it then :lol: :oops: :shock:

this was my Idea having seen the FTO club one.

I think people are missing the point here on a couple of things.

firstly Lets forget the money and way we deliver it, not everyone in the club has computer or email, that was why its was printed and sent out, it also gave people somthing for the membership.

Two years ago I asked stevie to take it over and send it out quarterly. This ended up as Six monthly.

At last years AGM Stevie said Its not working people are not supplying me with content sure your guys would deliver something I said stay with it Stevie, I am sure it will pick up.

Unfortuently despite ALL of Stevie’s begging posts we still only managed one this year.

So what a supprise Stevie and Tracie are pissed off :roll: , loads of efforts and still very little content from members.


im fed up reading about myself :lol: their are loads of regular members on here ,come on i want to see a wide range of subjects and different topics.doesnt take long :wink: i could write another one but ive been in the last ones 8)

Scoob—don’t use the excuse about being fed up reading about yourself, if you’ve sent an article in, then skip reading it when the newsletter comes through your door. (you know what it’s about anyway :wink: )

Just get on and write another one–having a regular contributor is a whole lot better than NO contributors at all (even Mr Clarkson still does regular newspaper articles)

As you say, there are loads of regular members on here and Steve and Tracey must be so disheartened after all their efforts to produce what so far has been a quality newsletter, and now to be forced into submission because of lack of support.


Oh crap - sorry been really busy at work since Christmas but that should quieten down now. Haven’t been able to think about anything apart from work til now. I can pull together a quiz in no time but to re-iterate other peoples thoughts, the news letter can only survive with members contributions. Part of the reason I stopped doing it a couple of years ago was that it was an uphill battle to get stuff (plus my own IT was wholly inadequate).