Speedball Rally 18-22nd August

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[quote]Does this work


Works fine for me Malc… some nice cars there.


[quote]Does this work


Works fine for me Malc… some nice cars there.[/quote]

Works fine for me also Malc


Strange thing is that it plays normally on the other PC but not on the main one. Worth the wait though


Works ok here too :lol:

works fine for me!! some nice footage in there!!

Day , our diary in a jovial way ie “A comedy of errors”

All I can say is that our trip run as smoothly as a sheet of sandpaper.

Started on day 0. Malcolm sorting out the car til 3.30 am, found his way to bed, No tom tom required, and up again at 5.

Off we go, stopped at pevensey petrol station for the 1st top up £ 65.00.
and found the meeting place at seafront Hythe.

Horror the beaches are deserted, we are too early ???too late ???

Guess what the buggers have gone off without us!!!
drastic phone calls. gto mass… still at home ??? have we got the wrong date ??? no mark, not going for the moment, more later.

Brendan has decided to be silent, so was george( the ring leader)

decided to make a dash for dover, did get hold of Brendan who was happily checking in at the port.Hythe to dover 12 minutes flat.
Really nice crowd on that stretch their little yellow cameras keeps taking pictures. Hope I looked good!!!

Got on board, just.

No need to worry if you did not know anyone. the whole boat was swamped with speedballers(t shirts and member cards gave that one away)and Dave MacCarthy.

After satisfying the inner need, we had a meeting and were told to have fun and meet up at Texaco garage( first one on a16/e40)

Remember , Malcolm and I do this run several times a year, so you can imagine our expression when some went to opposite way.Towards Calais.

got to the petrol station where we were greeted by the brightly illuminated Andy G and a young kid.

This young un was George the organizer, and yes he had a driving license to drive his nissan 350zx( George did manage to look 35 at the end of the rally)
We were giving our instructions and off we went, deciding the scenic route would be nice. you know, island hopping ( for the ones who have not been recently, it is not little ferries any more but bridges)
Brendan and Brendan, Frankie and matthew, John and Simon and us were driving convoy. it’s like 10 green bottles,…
First we’ve lost the Porshe, ok ,they are big lads they can find their way, except they didnot have a clue which hotel they were at.
We saw some lovely sights, like motorway and trees, trees, shrubs, motorway . yu get the drift!!.
All went well till Brendan disappeared off the radar.Blue boy and us pulled over on the hard shoulder .And there he was, flashing by us on a higher altitude, in fact the bridge above us.That was the last seen of the pink GTO, oops sorry, the slightly off red coloured gto.Blue boy and us carried on island hopping. by that stage i was hopping for other reasons.
found a petrol station, 2nd top up , full tank at £45.00, plus a visit to the ladies.

Amsterdam here we come !

Great lovely place, especially as you keep driving around it in circles.
Porshe caught up with us and a lovely young lady at another hotel pointed us in the right direction, we were only 20 minutes wrong.

Matt managed to get us to the hotel, wow, this was heaven on earth!!!

Unfortunately , the presuure off following Brendans exhaust got to malcolm and ended up been sick.So did I, sick as a parrot that is!!!

The boys did ask me to go with them but i thought it better to stay with malc as he was green at that stage.

The lads came back at around 3 ish am, singing " in the gettho""
When you se the 2 Brendans ask for the moves with the song, I am still waiting to see it!!!

I definitly have missed out on the best night.

Got up next am, went down for breakfast, noone’s there!!!
Here we go again ,but no , this is the continent, there is an hour difference, panick, stage, Brendan desperatly trying to get every one down.

No sign of Dave and Mark, GTO still down stairs, maybe they got lucky :wink: . Or time difference and Dave A don’t mix, who’s to know.
Off we went in our little convoy, Blue boy in charge, maps, common sense, got us there in time., more instructions, A long day ahead of us and another little top up at the petrol station £30.00, plus red bulls, lot’s of them.

look out for the next episode, conveniently called day 2.

Please be advised all persons in this story are not fictional.


Day 2 of our adventure;

We are ready for take off, walkie talkies supplied by Brendan on the ready.

i managed to goobly gook a lot on that thing.
A nice start, we are the lucky ones as we never saw one police car throughout the day. changed drivers , lost Porshe on the way, At the beginning actually, but no surprises there. They opted for the quick way (?).Once we crossed the german border we had the company of a german road traffic car, who kept up with us for a little while ,after that we tested the non speed limit rule.Well you have to, don’t you.

Those germans do fly, the high light been the bugatty verynon, who we managed somehow to keep with us for 20 seconds, was it that long ?, by manuoevering around him ie called boxing in.however one blink and all you saw was his backlights.

Decided on pitstop for the hungry ones! found a nice little stop with food and plenty of parking. Brendan’s car def caught the attention of a few people. Also found out that the germans have a little problem with some terrorists blowing up motorways.makes you think, what’s the point those germans are suicidal anyway.Met up with the audi lads, who had a bit of a problem with the laptop tom tom, yes you heard correctly complete huge laptop decided to have a rest!

We agreed to stick together till prague, filled up some more with kerosine £53.00
( apparently is 100 octane V power, not kerosine!)

the landscape changed , from smooth autobahns to hilly roads, Deliverance jumped to mind a few times.

Finally found the cech border, honestly you cannot miss it!!
If you think back 1944, the adverts for perfect male specimens , you got it !
Passports and kalichnicovs go well together!!

We all got through okish and carried on.

Strange country, on the roadside you have log cabins with scantily dressed girls, gyrating their pelvic region at my husband! Hussies!

Malcolm was elated, he finally pulled some female attention, and again and again at every hairpin bend.
I think we saw Georges nissan 350zx parked up there :lol: powersteering problems we were told. :shock:

finally saw the sign for prague and Brendan slowing down…
no jungle juice left.circled a few times around a roundabout who was advertising tesco’s. a bit misleading as it was another 15 km away.

We finally made it to the juice station, Blimey the petrol is cheap 33.9 cents, let’s fill them up, 3300 cents later we discovered that we are charged in krona’s or slotzys or whatever… which none of us had !

Plastic heaven , at least we could pay, don’t ask how much the juice was, need to wait for plastic bill !

We made the grand entry into prague and found hotel very quickly thanks to Brendans technology!

Ok parking, … no parking but there is a guarded carpark around the corner. Guarded ??? don’t ask questions
Reception looks nice, bar looks nicer.
The lads took ages to get back from parking. a bit worried there.
Matt, little Brendan and I went to explore the Bedrooms!!!

Hotel Axa, 4 star hotel : any one seen the film hostel, deduct another 10 stars and you got the picture.I was ready to leave , saw a nice hilton on the way in and i am heading there! Sadly I got talked out of this as it was only for one night and we are due for a meal bla bla bla you know they can be convincing if they want to.the car park was heavily guarded by a 95 year old with a hearing problem, so cars should be safe, apart from the russians licking their lips when inspecting the cars.

Got a call from the Porsche. Guess what , they did not know which hotel… recognize the pattern ??? Dave and Mark arrived ok and disappeared again.changed some money to slotzys and took a taxi to Joe’s cafe.

parted with 400 slotzys, walked in an empty bar, no one had ever heard of speedball, leave alone a booked meal.

Frankie, ever so nimble on bare feet, managed to rescue the taxi and guess what. the little cechs did not know where joe’s cafe was, Good old george to the rescue with a street name, we got dropped off at this square, another 400 slotzys and off they went.Nice square lot’s of shops, burger bar on corner, no Joe’s cafe. asked local law men, just got a shrug.

I think little Brendan found the place in some arcade style street.
By that stage we were ready to eat the furniture.
nice introductions, booked some karoake songs for Brendan, had a drink, had another drink, and another …some food arrived for one end of the table.had another drink, tried another one, food arrived for another end of the table. after 3 hours malcolm got chocolate pudding followed 1/2 later by hamburger… . At this stage Brendan did not look to good. remember we had a 10 hour day driving, no food and plenty of fluid( as the doctor recommended )The gto ers were pissed off at this stage and decided to go back to hotel Adams family.
Brendan decided to leave a little souvenir,had a massive vomit chuck out which according to Malcolm would have fed the biafrans for a whole year.
after parting with a few 1000 slotzys we finally found a taxi willing to take us back. strange lot out there, You have to haggle the fare before you get a ride.Brendan felt fine and was ready to prop up the bar. I had some bad news , my friend passed away that afternoon. so Malcolm and I went to colditz room. you do not need contraception in hotel adams’ family.it 's a real passion killer.The Porsche boys had hot and cold running water, …through the ceiling.

As like every story morning came, breakfast was waiting…
I know we have bacon and eggs, but the sight of pig ears and eggs with hairs included was a bit much. some went for a macdonald on the corner.

Bill paying:
nice young lady at the reception, wanted to charge me 129.00 euros. No i said we agreed 109.00 euros.
Well jekyll and hide could not change personalities any quicker! you pay 109 euros, you will pay for the 2 empty rooms. heil H… actually she did not say that i was just thinking it ! a lot of discussion and 5 lads gawping at the more and more revealing breast of hitler’s offspring, malcolm has got some pictures. we came to an agreement. we pay 109 euros each, gave frankie a refund.

and the hotel will dock my plastic for the other rooms.

by now mega pissed off. let me out of here!!!

No problem found the meeting place, got the instructions, a nice local lad riding with us to the petrol station, and there we found out that you have to pay to leave the sodding place!!!

Another argument on the way with Milan the petrol attendant, who totally ignored us trying to buy these passes! We needed 9 of these things,i had visions of boycotting his garage with speedball cars.Luckily local lad to the rescue and we could leave the country hooray !!!
Just need to get passed customs and passport control and we can breath again !

No doubt Prague is a beautifull architectural place,but can we remove the natives first please!

Poor frankie managed to get pulled over for not having headlights on and taking a left turn,somewhere!costs him 500 slotzys and nearly another 500 slotzys as he went the wrong way to the post office to pay. where apparently he met the twin sister of our receptionist.how unlucky can you get.

more on day 3, remember you have 2 nurnberg and nurberg’s , one is 100 odd mile away, the other 350 odd miles,can you guess what happened next?
Free GTO tshirt donated by brendan for the correct answer( PS I have to check with him on that :lol: !!!)

Intentional mistakes ;the cech money is ck ,cech koronas, not slotzys.
However as korona is a nice beer i decided to stick with dave 's description of slotzys!
Thank you for your undivided attention


Excellent recall Bianca, just how I remember it :lol: :lol: :lol:


I want to know what happen next? You GTO boys did the same as me as far as bookings in germany was… doh!

Anyway, thought id best post up in this thread, as id get told off if I didnt.

As for the corsa on the ring, erm doesnt matter how small and nimble it might be, with no power, it was going to be slow tbh!

Now as for the dirty diesel, I managed on my first lap B2B (as no one mentioned B2G) a 9 minutes 59 seconds with road works, so id say B2G must have been around 10:20ish mark.

What happened in day 3!!!