2014 AGM & Social Gathering Saturday 12th April

the club deal included breakfast

Hotel Rates - Non Refundable Upon Cancellation

Single Occupancy B&B - £60.00
Double Occupancy B&B - £65.00

So suggest you contact them as it cheaper


I think we run out of club deal rooms Simon. We’ve got a good turn out this year :slight_smile:

hey si, check above post. We are paying more even when quoting GTO UK.

I think what Steven was trying to explain is:-

We negotiated our rate and PRE BOOKED 15 rooms, when all these rooms have gone, the normal hotel rate applies, hence I assume the extra cost.

When I first started discussing this with the hotel they quoted me £85.00 for a double room with breakfast, I got this down to £65.00!

We can only pre book so many rooms at that price, hence Simon saying in his original thread the are ‘first come first served’.

Hope that clarifies things :smiley:

Finally got through to them today! Cut off 3 times and 15 mins on hold. They told me £59 for single b&b and 69 for double b&b

All booked.
Got it at the discounted rate.
Bit of a pita as you can only get it direct from the hotel reservation desk.
Got there in the end though.
See you all there.

Cool bud be good to catch up

[quote]All booked.
Got it at the discounted rate.
Bit of a pita as you can only get it direct from the hotel reservation desk.
Got there in the end though.
See you all there.

Will meet you the services for trip up fosse way


[quote]All booked.
Got it at the discounted rate.
Bit of a pita as you can only get it direct from the hotel reservation desk.
Got there in the end though.
See you all there.

Will meet you the services for trip up fosse way[/quote]

See you there.
I’ll pm my mob number.

I’m all booked in :slight_smile:

Have we pre-booked bowling, or could the activity be open for discussion?

Not pre booked, if you want to go, go, if you don’t, don’t.

Some people go along and don’t do the bowling if its not there thing, but its just a social aspect which gets us out of the hotel for a couple of hours.

Incidentally I personally don’t join in the bowling - as it’s not my thing, but really enjoy going and watching the teams compete.

It’s not an AGM topic for discussion simply because only members can vote at the AGM, but the social side of the weekend involves everyone there and some are not full members.

I just wondered if Laser Quest could be a possibility, with so many people we’d probably get two teams.

Is there one near the hotel Steve?

There is a Sector 7 in the bowling alley, not sure what it is like, but it is the same as Laser Quest. Other than that there is a real Laser Quest, but in the town centre.

It is just a suggestion though, as I am happy with bowling also.

booked, see ya there. i will probably be in the toybota :frowning:



Simon - (3000gt)
Julian & Diane
Stevie & Tracie
Craig - (CDMH)
Neil & Sam - (NAS)
Dan - (Silverfox)
Marty K
Pete - (Snoop Doggy)
Terry (Just Cool) - Possibly
Paul W
Gavin Naish
Scott - (GTO Scott)
Steven Smith
Steve - (Butler)
Mick & Tracey (Longpig/Skippy69)
Malcom & Bianca
Dan & Jo
Jon - (Jonno3KGT)
Paul - (PaulW)

Going to be an exciting event me thinks, getting back to when members enjoyed the AGM for what it is, formal then fun. :smiley:


You forgot me !!

I am coming too… i just forgot to let you know !!!..

Is anyone going, who isnt staying over?


[quote]Is anyone going, who isnt staying over?


You going up early or would like to meet up with Marty K and myself at the services on the 417 / 429 about 930 leaving at 10