2014 AGM & Social Gathering Saturday 12th April

[quote]Nice one, i am hoping to be in the gto as well. :slight_smile:


Will you be going up the Fosse-way Neil, as you know there be a couple of us leaving the services just on the 429 at 10.

Have a good day everyone i shall be at work :hairout: :x

Pull a sicky :slight_smile:


[size=18]Reminder !!![/size]

Can those of you that are paying your subs tomorrow please bring your forms with you


Craig :slight_smile:

No as my printers broken Craig. :slight_smile:

Ahh your the awkward bugger Stevie has texted me about tonight :lol: :lol:

I will have a dig around and see if I have some in the morning , your excused as you never received one anyway :wink:

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]Ahh your the awkward bugger Stevie has texted me about tonight :lol: :lol:

I will have a dig around and see if I have some in the morning , your excused as you never received one anyway :wink:

Craig :)[/quote]

I never received one either and my printerā€™s turned off can I be excused to? :stuck_out_tongue:

FFS leave it with me Dan

Looks like I have to nurse maid you lot that have forgotten/lost your forms , I draw the line at wiping your arses though , will happily kick them however :lol:

Craig :slight_smile:

Lol thanks Craig :slight_smile:
Can you be nurse maid me through the inevitable hangover though?!

Printed one off now :slight_smile:

Hi I wont be coming down with carole as some of you know her well im bringing a lady friend called jean down :smiley: :smiley: ive left it this late to let you know as I was not 100% she was coming I know you will make her welcome but she cannot get away from work till noon so may miss the agm meet or some of it looking forward to seeing you all there


Sounds like a story there Pete!
Got first item in the gossip section of the news letter!! Lol

Itā€™s Jemmaā€™s first meet too and Iā€™m sure it will be fine. Travel safe

Nice to meet both Jemma and Jean and welcome them into the fold, along with the other new peeps who made the effort to attend and see what itā€™s all about.

Great weekend, the AGM was excellent, a lot of people imagine such meetings to be boring, but ours are far from it.

Congrats Steve (Butler)on your new committee member position, donā€™t forget if you havenā€™t already, youā€™ll need unlimited minutes on your mobile now :lol:

Thanks to the Club and everyone who came along.

Steve and I had a brill weekend.

Tracie & Steve

Thanks everyone for a great weekend, was good to see some old faces and some new after being away for a couple of years. Look forward to getting to some more events this year as well hopefully.

Thanks again,
Dan & Jo

Thanks for another great agm.
Had a good time, as usual.
See you at the next one!

Thanks to everyone at the AGM for making me feel welcome Iā€™m just sorry I couldnā€™t stay for bowling but had to go and look after my hungover wife.

Cant wait for Japfest now!

Thanks also to Terry for the coffee and the chat it was really nice to meet you and the misses!

Hi All
looks like you had a great time at the AGM, had a plan to maybe get there, but I,m crocked at the moment with a ruptured Achilles Tendon, cast and crutches etc, cannot drive.
It,s good to see lot happening, see you sometime later this year at a meet I hope.

Cheers all Jerry.

Hi Jerry,

Sorry to hear about your troubles, it would have been nice to catch up. Hopefully we will see you at a meet soon.
