3rd West Midlands Meet

[quote]Julian & Diane + kids, definite, Mark we are going to visit Diane’s sister first in Redditch :roll: we told you exactly where it was, how far is it to the meet from her area :smiley:

Julian. PS i now have the fob cover, will bring it with me.[/quote]

Can’t remember where you said :wink: But I am as far as you can get from the meet, still being in Redditch, and it only 9 miles from me.


Well this month was a better turn out, was it 7 cars?

If anyone got any pics send them to me :wink: I forgot to take some :smiley:

Next meet will be Thursday 11th October at 7pm same location.

Thanks for all that came, and curses to those that didn’t show :twisted:


Made a change different area different people, some i knew & some i didn`t, made a change to see members there with families for a change, even if t90d did bring 2/3rds of them :smiley: , Diane took a few piccies,

And last but not least, some very shady looking characters :wink:


Nice pics, the black 1 looks really good :lol:
Really enjoyed today nice meeting and talking to you guys and seeing your cars, Look forward to the next one.

Cheers sean :wink:

Sorry I couldn’t make it guys. This was due to sickness - my wife’s sick of me going out without her! I did invite her but she wasn’t interested.