A great day at JAPS Meet 2009

Just got back and I would like to say a big thank you Julian and his clan for laying on a great club event once again.
Compliments to the chef/chef’s :lol: those sausages and burgers were great.

I had a fantastic time once again and it was great to meet some more members. Unfortunately I didn’t take any photos of this event but I’m sure someone else will post a few up :wink:

All I would say is it was disappointing that so many members just couldn’t be bothered to turn up to this event after Julian and the club had done so much for our members. Although there were the regulars and a few others the turn out was very poor considering how many people Julian sent tickets to, enough said I think.

Yes was a good day out, Great weather, great company & yes good burgers if i say so myself :smiley: Many thanks to Diane for most of the preperation & buying duties :wink:


HERE HERE … :lol: ive just got home :shock: anyone else get caught in the …ermmmmm flash flood on the M1 ?? :shock: :shock: 1st gear trundling with wipers going like the clappers !!! :lol:

Big, big, BIG thanks to Julian and Diane for their massive task of sorting out all the food and drink for the show. I’m sure they had actually brought half a supermarket with them!

It was nice to meet a few more club members, even if a lot of us were without our cars :oops: Hopefully we’ll have a few more on the stand next year!


Yes, another great day, thanks so much to Julian and Diane for all your hard work, top notch burgers once again. Thank you also for making our daughter, partner and grandson feel so welcome, they really enjoyed it and everyone was so friendly to them.

Here’s a few pics we took.

For those who don’t know him, the guy in the middle here is Steve, who had a near death experience in an accident with a lorry a few months back (News Section on Forum) we were all relieved to see him alive and kicking yesterday.

Steve and his daughter Francesca

Snoop Doggy - Life after a GTO

Tracie & Stevie :smiley:

Hi, Would just like to say what everybody has said thanks to julian, diane, and the kids :slight_smile: what a great event you put on with the food organisation etc, nice to meet up with freinds old and new, tracie nice pics of the zed i may of changed my car but i aint changing clubs :lol: looking forward to jae see you all there


I did turn up for the day, but when i came over to our stand i didnt see anyone, it was just after the down pour on the sunday, about 1-2-ish? Had everyone else gone for a wonder? or hidden from the rain? :lol:

Was nice to see a lot of GTO’s there, just a shame i couldnt bring mine as my hand is only just fully recovered and given the all clear to drive again :slight_smile:

[quote]I did turn up for the day, but when i came over to our stand i didnt see anyone, it was just after the down pour on the sunday, about 1-2-ish? Had everyone else gone for a wonder? or hidden from the rain? :lol:

Was nice to see a lot of GTO’s there, just a shame i couldnt bring mine as my hand is only just fully recovered and given the all clear to drive again :)[/quote]

I think pretty much everyone went for a wander as soon as the weather picked up. Shame we missed you mate, even more of a shame you missed Julian’s burgers! :smiley:
