
Not a complaint about membership pack although one would be nice. I have on a couple of occasions notified the club on my change of address but never received an acknowledgement so never been quite sure if they have ever been received. Could someone please let me Know.

Post code OX11 8JZ

Cheers guys, know your stressed and busy.

Off topic cuzy…but I Flippin Love that little Elephant…I copied him to a few of my friends today so now he is well known in Kazakhstan too!!! (Elephant is SLON in Russian) Love his trunk!!

Yeah sorry about that, didn’t realise until i posted it. Can someone move it for me or is it easier just to re-enter it in the mem section.

That trunk was only 6" long when he started, thinking of getting myself a trampoline :shock: :shock:

Neil, I’ll check and let you know.

Cheers Ian, like i say not a rant just like to make sure.