

Does anybody have any comments about admiral insurance? I Have been with them for the last couple of years insuring my 306 with no problems, but when it comes to specialised cars such as the monster ill soon be purchasing, is it worth going for a specialist insurer?
I just got a quote from them for:

'96 GT
5K limited milage
Alloys and a couple of other minor mods
25 years old
5 years NCD
social use only
£150 volentary excess
parked on drive

All for the princely some of £580!

Now that sounds ridculesly cheap to me, i pay almost that for my 1.4 306!? They rang me tonight and i went through the quote again with them and it all looks to be in order, but it still seems too good to be true.

I also got a quote from Sky, which was £850 (which i thought was reasonable), and that was with the GTOUK discount. The only other benifit i can see from sky is the agreed value of the car, where as admiral would only pay the book price in the event of a write off. Is that alone worth the extra money?

The other thing is this is the main motor im ineterstd in (cant figure out how to put the link in so ill have to direct ya. (if anyone is interested that is!))

Auto Trader - National search
Metallic blue
19’ Kahn wheels

Anyone know anything about it? GTOUK member perhaps? Looks like an enthusiasts car, clean n tidy under the bonnet and in the cab. Am i right in thinking it is more likely to have been looked after and driven well? Its 150 miles away from me so i dont wast to waste a journey!

Sorry for all the questions, im just sooo excited about becomig an owner!!

Thank you,


I was with admiral when i first got my GT, they had the best price at 21 (1128 for 10 month policy).

I take it you mean this 3000GT?

I’m with admiral at the moment. Very cheap for the U.K cars and I can’t fault them. Wouldn’t bother with them if you want a GTO though.

thats the one, waddya reckon?

:adore: wow that is very tidy…

I had admiral when I was younger as they did an accelerator scheme or somthing, which was basically 10 months to get one year no claims…

not sure if their any good.

@ 25 I would get as many quotes as you can…

I’ve to a GTO twin turbo insured with Admiral (fully comp) as my 2nd car, for sub £500 (Can’t remember exact figure).

However it’s worth noting that they charge you for any changes to your policy.

I moved house across the street (got a garage too) and got charged an admin fee for both policy’s. As the indian call center could not explain why they were levying these fees I got my money reimbursed by writing to them.

If you are planning any modifications, it’s best to tell Admiral while your policy is up for renewal as they will try to be competitive and they won’t charge you for changes…

Hope this helps…

Thanks for the advice chaps.

Ill try Sky again armed with my admiral quote and see if they budge. If not, then we could have a winner. just need a car now! :wink:

I’ chaned to Admiral this year. Were by far the best value. Gave me the same (full) NCD as I have on the main car - by moving both to them. Only would have had 20% otherwise.

Missus has changed to them too couple of months ago as a result.

No idea on claims though :?

Admiral and elephant both run this funny policythat is cancelled if your car is written off, and you have to pay the full years policy

well documented on here if you use the seach button


i just read the Privilege Insurance Policy Booklet and that also clearly states if the car is written off and they pay out the policy will end and you are still liable for the remainder as they have fulfilled their end.

Privelege are Underwritten by Direct Line.

[quote]Admiral and elephant both run this funny policythat is cancelled if your car is written off, and you have to pay the full years policy

well documented on here if you use the seach button


I fail to see why this is unusual, if your car is writen off then it is impossible to insure it after that so of course the policy will end.

Trouble is, if you write off your motor the month after you policy started, the policy is cancelled but you still have to pay for remaining years cover. Even though you only got a month from em! Thats a few hunderd quid down the drain. :frowning: