AGM Postponed

In accordance with the government guidelines, the Committee has taken the decision to postpone the AGM.

The health and well being of our members is paramount and we feel it would be folly to attend a public venue.

The committee will remain in place until such a time the AGM can be rescheduled.

Further details will follow as and when we are able to update.

Stay healthy peeps



If you have made a room booking at the hotel, please remember to cancel it.



Wise choice :+1:

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Shame, no other choice in current circumstances, stay safe and well everyone.

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It is a real shame as was looking forward to seeing everyone and having a few drinks :beer: however, safety first and I think we can expect more to come as the peak of the pandemic is expected in a month or two.


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Aaaaaaand, I was going to that. Look after yourselves everyone, hope to see you soon.

Ah well, give me time to do my garage :grin:

Terry :sunglasses:


It was always going to happen this,it’s a shame but health comes first.we got nothing at work I’m just going to work to make a coffee for myself all day,no customers,we lost about 3 million pounds in business this month alone and now they are forcing us to have holidays and unpaid holiday too.
It’s a bit worrying really if it goes on for a long time for the whole country and the world.


Feel for you Jerry. Luckily for the time being I am able to do all my job from the home office. But that said eventually even big business stop spending money



Cancelled our room, if doing the same take a note of the reference no. they give you as they don’t send email confirmations for cancellations.

Just in case of any hiccups :wink:

Tracie :paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints:


I’ve hiccups now, eating that curry sarny is repeating on me, have to wash it down with tea. :joy::joy::joy:

Terry :sunglasses:


Hopefully it’ll all have blown over by JAE

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Out of all the gloom, news that there are no further Coronavirus recorded cases in China today. That is encouraging at least.
I echo the wishes of all before, keep yourselves away from this stuff and remain healthy. I have found one way of keeping meself off the streets…my bath is standing on my stairs landing, there’s a nice hole about 6ft long in the plasterboard where the tilework was above it, and if I get bored trying to sort that lot out, I’m gonna start printing off the GTO manual.
Looking forward to some nice, decent sunny days, and then I can get out and bung some parsnips and carrots in the ground :seedling::seedling::seedling::blossom:
Best wishes everyone,
