Polly Nataya was born to my son & daughter in law on 11/3/11 weighing 5lb 1oz. Will post pics
soon… She is very tiny with lots of thick black hair… her mum is Thai and she seems to look more
like her mother.
My daughter is also due in a few weeks - mad girl as her little one Jasmine I posted on here only
a while ago isn’t quite a year old yet so will very soon have her hands full.
Congratulations mate… it’s nice when you see your family grow and you become a grandfather to
another new member of your family… I hope all goes well for your daughter in next couple of
weeks but don’t bother posting any pictures up or telling us what your daughter has when her
baby arrives as no one is interested.
[quote]Congratulations mate… it’s nice when you see your family grow and you become a grandfather to
another new member of your family… I hope all goes well for your daughter in next couple of
weeks but don’t bother posting any pictures up or telling us what your daughter has when her
baby arrives as no one is interested.[/quote]
Blimey Alan, thats a bit uncalled for?! its only been 2 days since you posted the good news! We dont all have the time to log on daily and look through and reply to every post that goes up, especially during the week! Alot of us, myself included just quickly go over the new posts not replying at that time as i quite often don’t have the time! I will then re visit certain posts to add my 2p’s worth!
So, now i have the time! i didn’t have the time when i saw this yesterday! Many congratulations to you and your family! 8) some pics would be lovely should you desire to add some?
I would guess that most people on here don’t know you Alan, and won’t ever meet you because you don’t go to any meets, to be fair I’m not interested in peoples lives that I don’t know.
What a strange person you are… and think you have a very short memory as I seem to recall
meeting you in person some time ago… I’m sure your attitude would be completely different if
needing and taking advice on a problem with your car regardless of whether having met them in
person or not and have often placed post talking back and forth to each other in a friendly manor.
If everyone felt this way within the club considering the vast number of club members it states it
has and only showed an interest in those that have been met in person then I’m sure this club
would no be looked upon as friendly as it is and would also have far less knowledge about these
cars than it actually has… which is why anyone joins a car owners club in the first place
Perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book and in future when some one says I have a problem
with my car I should reply… . I’ve never met you so why should I take an interest in what is either
causing you a problem or bringing you a little joy in your life. :?
Blimey that’s a head full of hair allready. Congratulations matey.
Regarding the many views and no replies, i often check the forum on my phone during my shifts, but replies is a bit of a pain with most phones with the typing and the small screens etc, so if there’s something i want to reply to i turn on the computer when i get home.
But hence why you’ll get more views then replies as i’m sure quiet a few people check the forum on their phones but don’t really use it to reply.
Thanks for all the replies… She is a cute and does have a good head of hair on her doesn’t she
That’s a good point about mobile phones and as for placing posts using one I don’t think I would
even attempt… Don’t think I’ve sent more than a dozen text msg’s since mobile phones were
ever invented… I’ve had my last mobile phone for about 3 or 4 years, one of them flat Motorola
one’s that I think was the first mobile to come out in pink only mine is black and probably worth
about 2p now… put £10 on it when I first got it and still have just under £3 left…cant get on with
this hit the key 46 times just to type the one letter of the alphabet because the key pad is shiny
chrome and cant really see the letter printed on them :?