Anyone heard from Rob recently?

Been trying to get hold of Rob - left a couple of voicemails and a PM but not heard back yet.

spoke to him at the weekend on msn, not seen him since! Rob, will pay for the hoses when i next seeya online! 8)

Hi Chris,

Was Awful over Christmas with that ■■■■■■ flu, but back to normal again.

Phone is being answered, as I have been taking orders and sending stuff.

I have not managed to answer your PM, as I need to look to see what I can dig out for you and I have just not had 5 minutes to do it yet.

I am at the Auto Sport Show Tomorrow Thursday, but give a call during Friday as we can have a look to see what we can do to help you out.

The pads are a little dear and I have not ever sold any at the price.

I think you will find that you bought them at the old price which was £145.00

Cheers Rob

Spot on old boy. I know my list ain’t an easy one to get prices & availability on.

My bad on the pad price - maybe I bought them at the same time as the fuel loop and the total was £175?

Will try to catch you Friday during the day but if you don’t hear from me just drop me a PM or something.


now come on thats not fair! he can’t help being closer to the free bus pass than the rest of us!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:


Heh, heh, now you’re trying to get my ass in trouble. everyone knows talking like that comes from me hanging around too many mechanic types…

Pronounced ‘bhoy’ this phrase is used as a friendly greeting or thank you. The term old boy can be used interjectionally with a range of other terms including ‘shoe’ [pronounced schue] and ‘stocking’ [pronounced schhhtockin’] eg. alright old bhoy, or thanks old schhhtockin’!