Became a Granddad last night

Last night I became a Granddad for the first time as my daughter had a baby girl weighing 10 lb 1-1/2 oz at 1-30am.
she was in labour for 48 hours and ended up having a caeserean birth… her name… Jasmine Honey…

she looks a bit like a thug and appears to be already wearing an
ankle bracelet from her former misspent life :smiley:

[quote]Last night I became a Granddad for the first time as my daughter had a baby girl weighing 10 lb 1-1/2 oz at 1-30am.
she was in labour for 48 hours and ended up having a caeserean birth… her name… Jasmine Honey…

she looks a bit like a thug and appears to be already wearing an
ankle bracelet from her former misspent life :smiley:[/quote]

congrats mate, beautiful grandchild you have. :smiley:

Congratulations, to you & the whole family.
Being a grandparent is one of the few really nice things about getting old :smiley:

Congrats Alan!!! Hope mum and baby are doing well - she must be knackered after 48 hour labour. And hope the c-section heals ok, Claire is doing really well after hers.

You’ll need to get rid of the Hot Rod and the GTO - just hand them both in for a nice Beige Honda. It’s a much better car for an old geezer like you now!

Congrats to you and family Alan,

Best wishes


Being a grandparent is one of the few really nice things about getting old :D[/quote]

I’d go along with that Rob!! :smiley:

Congratulations to you and your family Alan. I thought the sleepless nights stopped at your own children…

(silly me) :lol:

But boy are they worth it!! 8)

ahhhhh bless shes beautiful and i love her name

congratulations bet your so proud

tania n boo

Thanks for the replies… Susie and Jasmine should be coming home later today so will get a
chance to call round to see them without the hustle and bustle of a dozen family members all
trying to get a look in… not that it bothered me but you can’t beat the peacefulness of their being
at home… should be able to take a few better pics

Congratulations to you all

Congratulations :lol:


Well done Alan pass on our best wishes. :smiley:

Steve & Tracy

As I was sorting out pictures of my second granddaughter I thought I’d update a couple of
Jasmine who’s 1st birthday is this coming week :slight_smile:

Must be proud of both your grankids and the soon to be one too 8)

Wonder how long before you have spanners or a spray gun in their little hands :lol:

Craig :slight_smile:

Don’t think I can go down that road again… spent most of my sons growing up teaching him both
car mechanics and car body work as well as teaching him all about building and repairing
computers for him to say he’s not interested and ends up working as a under manager in a late
night local store when he could have had a business of his own… I think Jasmine will follow her
mother’s career as a hair dresser so God help me when she’s at an age that she wants to practice
as I have the longest head of hair in my family :? :lol: