Boora Permaseal?

Hi folks,

Has anyone used Permaseal or any similar products on their car? Wondering how good these items are for protecting the paint work and stopping colour fading.


No idea, paint don’t have chance to dry never mind fade on mine before I change the colour. :smile:


regular waxing seems to be the cure to stop your paintwork from fading, since it’s respray I’ve waxed ever since… oww err, and can say that the paint has stayed in tip top condition and not faded.

But you’ve got to do it properly, 50 point wash process, 3 lots of claybar, wash again, dry then wax one, then hd wax 2. At lease once every six months.

I tend to do it before every show so that’s at least 4-6 times a year.

Unlike my sister in law who I caught trying to polish out marks in her paint from bird ■■■ acid without cleaning the car first…