Canceld south wales meet

due to lack off interest i am sorry ,will try again at latter dateonce again sorry simon :frowning:

Stick me down for a potential yes Simon, My girlfriend’s family is from south Wales so it’s always easy to convince her :wink:

When you thinking of?

Sounds good.


what do you think of a sunday, i think a sunday is normally good as most people dont work but i dont mind sooner rather then latter.cardiff gate is easy and they have a carvery iff any one wants to eat,will need to book as sunday can be busy,we could go for drive to brecon witch is about 20 mins or just chill :wink: :lol: :lol:

Hi Simon

Didn’t know if my pm got to you, but last Sun of month looks good, as will be my last one before Xmas

I might be able to come along if no one minds (depending when it is)…gives me chance to meet a few of you (I hate being a newbie :lol:)

looks like last sunday of this month , say 11.30 cardiff gate services M4 IF ANYONE WANTS CARVERY LET ME KNOW ASAPAS AS WILL HAVE TO BOOK,LOOK FORWARD IN SEEING YOU ALL.there will be some supras coming as well as my son is with supra club so should be good :lol: :wink:

Hi Simon, put me down for carvery pls…

i Know you sent me a pm…but think best to keep it as last sunday of month as will be payday…next weekend am going down to devon so wouldn’t be able to make that one…