Cannot figure this out for the life of me

I’m new to the community, I’ve recently bought a 1992 Gto as a project car. Absolutely love the car and plan on keeping it for a very very long time, however the body condition is not fantastic.

There is one specific thing which has been bugging me since bought the car, there is a bit of trim missing from the car and its annoying the hell out of me. The trim sits above the windscreen between the windscreen and the sunroof. From what I can gather it is a trim piece which is the same colour as the car and is attached to the body by clips. I’ve attached a photo to show you guys.

If anyone could help a noob out and tell me the part number and where I can get it I’d be super grateful. It doesn’t need to be the same colour since I’ll be getting the car body resprayed eventually anyway.


@GSXRKID at the evil empire should be able to get his hands on that bit

Welcome to GTOUK :sunglasses:

Welcome to GTOUK !

Welcome. I think on your car as its a 92 it a black one.

Its called Windshield upper molding with part number: MB645240

I may be wrong but someone with better knowledge will come along and correct me.

I tend to use this site to get most of the part numbers, if you put your VIN in there, you should get correct part numbers for your car :


OK so the windshield upper molding I already have, it can be seen the photo. The part I’m looking for sits above that attached to the clips. I’ve been looking through that site and I can’t find it anywhere.

That’s not the moulding, that’s just the weather strip

I found it pretty quickly on here, scroll down the page they say there is 6-10 weeks wait :

Thanks for the help, now I can concentrate on other parts of the car. I must say you guys are a lot nicer than people on other car communities :joy::joy:


That’s what happens when you come over to the best club on the planet, well, ok, the UK.

Terry :sunglasses:


Nice of you to say that, hopefully see you as a full member soon and meet you at one of our regular meets when the UK is open for business and car meets again.

Full Membership HERE

Tracie :paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints:


Welcome to the club Conner
:+1: :+1: