Car club and enthusiasts show seaford

OK What can I say, this little gathering was arranged by Malcom (Midlife Crisis) and was added to the future events page ages ago.
All I will say is that it was a brilliant day and it turned out to be bigger and better than everyone had imagined. 80+ cars So all you lot from GTO UK that didnt bother coming missed out, shame.
Maybe next year he might get a little support from you.

Thanks Tracey, you guys did a brilliant job,I think one of the football teams might sign you up to draw the lines on the pitches :lol: turned out to be a good day, next year we will add the japanese section, we’ll have to teach them the difference between jap and american I think.
Massive support from Mick and Tracey!before on and after the event!


i know full well what i missed,
i had fully intended to go,but being out of work for over 3 months doesnt justify a £100 round trip,
but next year i will be there.
but if anyone is interested we have a classic car show on the 19th and 20th of sept,400 cars turned up last year,300 came over from the mainland,its the biggest show of the year on the island,saturday is in newport quay amongst all the rich boys yachts,sunday is on ryde seafront in beautiful surrounds,
so come on ,lets see you over here.