Christmas Party Raffle ( Donations desperately needed )

Are we having a Christmas party raffle this year? as I might donate a little something again :wink:
If we are what prizes have we got so far?

We have nothing yet, Dan ( Silver fox ) is going to sort it, where ever he is, he/we will be looking to start a list as soon as some one ( Smudge ) donates something :smiley: So the list needs starting, who is going to be first :roll:


1, Smudge, Starter push button kit.
2, Julian. Car alarm.


I’ll donate a push button starter kit the same as the one that’s been fitted on my car for the last 12 months :smiley:

Thanks for the donation Smudge! :slight_smile:

If anyone else has anything to donate please either PM me or post it up here.

The Christmas party is always a good event for the club and the raffle is part of what makes it such a good night, so if you have anything to donate please don’t hold back.



The usual!



Thanks Ben, much appreciated! :slight_smile:

two bottles of champagne. hope thats ok

smudge get your bloke to put up a set of leather chairs for us :slight_smile: