Club members

Hi all,

Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone’s efforts recently. Firstly I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped beta test the new site to help make it better. I am now randomly inviting other members to help and would appreciate any input you could give, if anyone hasn’t got time can you let me know so I can pick someone else? (sorry I want to invite everyone, but people trying it out in trenches and giving feedback would probably be easier).

Secondly thanks to everyone who attended Japs and helped win GTOUK a trophy, that was great to hear. Well done to Steve and Tracy getting car of the show, you two must still be buzzing :slight_smile: I have heard it was a great event and was sad to have missed it.

Finally there have been many people who have shown plenty of enthusiasm about this years upcoming events. It looks like we are getting good numbers, so lets make the JAE trophy our next target! :slight_smile:

We will be putting up some more details for JAE etc soon, please feel free to get involved to help make this another great year for the club.

Well done GTOUK, see you all soon,

Well said Neil, can’t wait to get to all the meets I can this year.

From what I have seen on the new website and forum it should get things buzzing:-) Totally has put us into the future regarding a club forum.

Thank you to you and Dean for sorting this.
