Daily car insurance

Not sure how aware people are but there are several places where you can get insurance for as little as a day. I have just used these people to insure the GTO for next week. My normal insurance runs out the end of this week but I need to drive the car next week to meet the new owner at the airport. To do this I have insured it for one day only at £18.60.

So if you ever need to insure a car just for a day or so then give these people a try.


Good find. Thanks mate

alos a website called


Yep, problem with them though is they wont insure imports

true, other sites won’t do imports either. This is the one I use:


works for me, and I had european cover when me and the lads went on a road trip. All of us on the Policy Comp cover inc Euro BD @ £120 for 7 days. Not bad considering it was only used for driving on the other side of the road.

BTW we clocked up over 4k miles in a week so works out to 3p per mile which isn’t half bad me thinks.

E-car are very good though, they will even insure on a chassis number (if my memory is right) so no need for a registration on a fresh imported car.

Dave 8)


E-car are very good though, they will even insure on a chassis number (if my memory is right) so no need for a registration on a fresh imported car.

Dave 8)[/quote]

really? I tried them last week when I wanted cover till my policy expired on the other car and they wanted a whopping £435 for 7 Day cover!!

I’m 34, have full no claims totally free from claims and convictions!!! :o

I’m not having much luck with these links :evil:
https://www.dayinsure.com does not have the option to select GTO!
then tried :
http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk/ but my car is too old :frowning:

Any other suggestions?