So firstly my sincere apologies for anyone who has no interest in what i am about to say or that dose not think it belongs on a car forum or that I am just seeking attention… please do not continue to read on.
Time I set a few things straight…
Over the years since I learnt to drive I have had many cars, in later years, in my late 30s it became more of a hobby than a “get rid of that quick it needs a clutch” job.
I found that I was reaching my male (mid life) itch rather early and started to buy cars I couldn’t possibly have had in my twenties, this led me to buy things at times I could not really afford, trying to be someone that I wasn’t and experiencing money troubles.
Time moved forward various cars have been and gone mostly before the next MOT was due, until one day when I happen to stumble across the GTO… I fell in love. However it was not until I got involved in GTOUK that this really became anything more than it was before, In fact I nearly bought a skyline from the person selling me smokin ( my tt gto for those of you that don’t know)
So moving on I found there was life in me yet… I met up with various members of GTOUK and they brought me into the club, I incidentally have never joined any car clubs, been to shows/meets before this, and this remains that way even today.
I found I had met some amazing friends and I wanted to help… I had a ruff start tbf but someone saw through that and helped me along the way. Now from a personal point I had very little to look forward to I felt in life, my job is very boring ( a need, def nothing I enjoy ) my family life had been and was starting to get more complicated.
I found the club a release and in doing so the car too… little bit of a competition at first too see just how quick and how far I could take smokin…I found a passion for annoying people with it, which quickly became boring for some, at the time I was drinking heavily and became a complete arse to some so i assisted their departure from the club… right or wrong it happened and I hold my hands up to that one!
So I became club secretary and went at it like a dog with a bone, but again on the way made a few people dislike me, what I didn’t understand is the word neutral or no! And still don’t so that’s why I am at this point today.
The idea of this club is like no other, this ain’t Facebook, the idea is to have a forum where people contribute/ get the information they need/ attend meets and those that do pay a subscription for that privilege, meaning my shut down of newbie posts abuse (new and old members ) was sometimes met with abuse ( for which I would always be guaranteed to retaliate too)
I never gunned to be secretary in-fact those that have done it told me it was a thankless task, but I wanted to work with @stevie & @Tracie to bring this club back to the glory days it had before, I didn’t get rid of people to do this, in fact Steve spent a long time persuading me to come on board.
I carried out my duties to the full, spending day and night working on everything I did, what you don’t see behind the scenes is all that we do… things don’t just pop up over night. Getting the forum away from outside control was a battle that we all achieved, we brought a social media aspect to the club without it damaging the forum, bringing in a huge amount of attention/ new members and more respect for our cars as a whole.
Last year I backed off, as for the car the mojo never came back after smokin went, I tried again with Rusty and failed.
I drank even more, became even more obsessive with social media and created yet more arguments on the forum. Just about every meet I attended last year someone had to raise the comment “ see you Dave… this it? Implying I was done.
Car clubs are clubs, people should not have to feel they need to justify having a ruff time in their lives, last year I felt I had a really bad year with one thing and the other, this car club to me was about friends not a GTO in the end…
Porsche Boy I am not, cars are a get out clause for what frankly most people would break under the pressure, we all have our daily fights but mine seem to go on forever… the Porsche will be short lived as they all have in the past… why you may ask do I spend ■■■■loads of money doing stuff and then getting rid… well those that know me and are sick of hearing about my woes know only too well that’s all I have! I cant sit still, I don’t want too sit still, I cant as something is bound to happen… I dunno maybe I have ADHD.
I have absolutely no forward plans in my life, tongues can wag away, I have no intention of joining a Porsche club or any others! What those of you are who are my “friends” on Facebook are able to see is my daily life… don’t wanna see it, turn me off simples (but I blocked most already)
I am not active on the forum because…
A: I don’t have the time with all that is going on my family ( this is my priority now)
B: I have nothing to say
C: I upset everyone whatever I say ( even soba, healthy Dave don’t know the word NO! )
D: I don’t want too see something I may want to get back ( which is never going to happen any time soon)
You are in good hands with those running the club as it stands (even simon pulls his weight occasionally) so I will leave it there.
Thank you all for respecting my wishes not to be contacted ( with the exception of one who will be nameless) see even I can occasionally be sensible Jerry… ops sorry that bit was supposed to stay in my head.
This is the point i am at today, free of addiction since i put my glass down at last years birthday bash in july, less heavy and now really boring ( Though some will say that has always be the case
All being well I will be at the AGM probably by myself and mainly too see and catch up with friends.
This is not goodbye to my Friends, it is not a goodbye! FFS