E-mail received today... may be of interest to some?

[quote]Dear GTOUK

Hi, My name is Matt Cooper, I am 14 years old and for the last year or so I have put my time into organising a car show
After the year, I have finally been granted permission by Wellesbourne C.E Primary School, Warwickshire, to use the school playing field as the venue for the car show.
My reason for writing to you is to enquire if your club would be interested in attending and showng there cars.
The date is the 20th July 2008 and it is free to show your car, unless you would like a trade stand, which starts from £5.
All ticket money and trade stand money goes to charity.
Also, me and a friend who run a very entrepadig car valeting business are able to wash cars on the day, we will donate a large amount of money to charity also.

Thanks for your time in reading this

Matt [/quote]

Small scale shows like this set up by enterprising kids need support.

I like miles away so wont be able to attend - perhaps local lads in Warics could combine this with their monthly/quarterly meet?

Give the young 'uns some encouragement - it is free after all and you’ll probably get your car washed for a couple of quid.


awww bless…my sons age …were exactly is this,i would go if its not too far.imagine there faces when a convoy of gto’s thunders in :lol:oh warwickshire ic yes i could do that

I could arrange the local meet to be there on that day, it’s only 20 miles from my place.

I’m just worried it may collide with JAE.

Ian could you PM me the email address and I will reply :wink:


Sounds like fun . :lol: ( those in the chat room will appreciate that :lol: )

unless of course it collides with jae

Craig :slight_smile:

Think that date is out for me , i think its the same date as a tank show i take my stuff to in kent

Just rock up in your tank! And you can get that washed!

When do we get dates for JAE - noticed mentioned in a few of the above posts and have been wondering about it the last little while. Be useful to know so I can start planning.

Hi Guys

I am still waiting for dates for JAE.

I have contacted the organisers as has Simon but as yet have had no joy, as soon as we know it will be posted.
