ECU for a manual1991 twin turbo

Looking for a good working ECU for a manual1991 twin turbo if anybody has one, thanks

Inboxed you mate I have

Dunno why but I read your post in a yoda voice. lol


LOL, I honestly can’t think of a witty reply to that mate, or witty reply to that, honestly think of I can’t.

Thanks for replying mate. That sounds brill. The car is getting fixed with Camy at (CSK) who is also a member of the club. Will talk to him tomorrow & organise payment & delivery address as it would probably be best being sent straight to him. Be in touch tomorrow & thanks again mate.


No problem let me know asap as on holiday after sat and don’t really want to have to take it with me to post cheers Dave

No probs, will get back to you today mate

No probs inbox me when ready will give you payment PayPal details

Hi Mate,
Spoke to garage, my original ECU is going to ECU Doctor to get refurbished. Thanks for replying mate & sorry for any hassle.
Hope you have a great holiday

No problem mine cost me £220 to be done