my son 18 was on my insurance when i had the focus. anyway got shot of that and got my GTO :smiley:
we have been searching for weeks for a cheap quote for a seat ibiza 1.0l.
elephant.CON came up with the cheapest quote £1200 :shock:
£100 cheaper than tesco.
Were picking car up today so i asked my wife to phone elephant.CON and confirm we wanted to go ahead with there quote.
All going well until -yes thats about it - so ur renual date will be 11th of nov 2005 :shock: thats not 12 months - oh no he replied this is for 10 months- how much is it for 12months £1554 -the robin %%^^%$$'s
he wouldent of even got 1yrs NCB after £1200
ended up gettin it from TESCO for £1287 for 12 months


when u do a quote online at the end it automatically gives a quote for 10 months. you have to select 12 months from a box and it will re-calculate. i was nearly caught out like this. and i too went to tescos


this was all done over the phone ian

Why the hell would anyone want insurance for 10 months? This sounds deliberately misleading and they should be reported to the Consumers Association or somebody.

it seems that elephant are trying to opt out of the ncb, if they can get away with selling people insurance that they believe is for 12 months then elephant dont have to issue a ncb to those duped by it. i think paul it right they should be reported and also to central insurance board or whatever it is.

insurance is dear enough without havin ncb ripped from under your feet.

I’m with Admiral and my last policy was a NCB accelerator scheme where they give you 1 years NCB after 10 months.
It’s just been renewed (3 or 4 days ago) so I’ll be phoning up today to check I will accumulate another years NCB this year, and will let you know!

i use the elephant 10 month policy, its a good way for young drivers to build up NCB earlier, 2months a year earlier. theres nothing wrong or misleading about it if you read about it, and a lot of companies now do them.

when i rang a different company about insurance, they suggested that i stay on the 10NCB accelerator scheme to build it up quicker!

As some other folks pointed out it is not a con it’s simply a way to build up your no claims discount faster.

many company’s do it now it is called a 10 month bonus accelerator

and is therefor cheaper as you are only insured for 10 months rather than 12 yet you still get a years no claims bonus.

but if you do not want this then when the quote comes up just select 12 months from the drop down list and hit recalculate for a 12 month quote.

They actually call it an NCB Builder. If you don’t have any its a great way to build it. And yes their policy pricing is according competitive in my opinion.

Anyway… definitely not a con.


one problem with these bonus accelerator things is that if you swap insurance companies, some will not recognise the no-claims. just their way of trying to scam more money.


[quote]one problem with these bonus accelerator things is that if you swap insurance companies, some will not recognise the no-claims. just their way of trying to scam more money.


i was told that a years ncb on an accelerator policy would only count as 10months on a normal policy, but the chances are that if an insurance company has provided you with for example 3 years of good quotes, they will carry on giving you good quotes and you’ll stay with them. i have been with elephant for 2 years now, looking to change to admiral, but they run the scheme too and underwrite elephants insurance - so im happy with what im doing!

no suprise with this as Elephant is owned by Admiral.

Just checked my insurance which is with Elephant and that is for a full year

Is this a new field ?, useful to know as mine is due in Feb


gota306wannaGTO wrote:

[quote]i use the elephant 10 month policy, its a good way for young drivers to build up NCB earlier, 2months a year earlier. theres nothing wrong or misleading about it if you read about it, and a lot of companies now do them.

when i rang a different company about insurance, they suggested that i stay on the 10NCB accelerator scheme to build it up quicker![/quote]

when my wife asked if my son would get a yrs NCB after 10 months the reply was no but would get a discount if stayed with elefant.CON

so for £87 hes going to get 2 extra months insurance and 1yrs proper NCB of tesco

it all a bit confusing for me :roll:

Mike at least you realised it, how many people don’t even notice?

bit like the fuckers at Vodafone, read me through the terms of my contract at a million miles an hour over the phone in a canadian accent(me having spent days negotiating a suitable plan) and i just caught something that didnt sound right about the term of the contract…i asked her to stop and repeat it and you couuld tell she was miffed cos her hole tone changed to one of defensiveness… “Oh sir thats entirely standard” I didnt ask if it was standard i asked what you said… "18 months "she says, and starts again at a million miles an hour trying to talk over me saying… “woooooaahh 18 months - no ■■■■■■■ way! I’m happy to sign for 12 months but no longer!”

(i wont bore you all with the trials and tribulations of my treatment at the hands of singlepoint/vodafone, but suffice it to say its not good!)

And she says, we dont issue 12 month contracts … period… So i say… well fine… cancel the deal i’ll go to 02. She then gets all huffy, and tells me to hang on while she “checks with her manager” and about 3 seconds later miraculously she’s checked with her manager and has approval for a one off (if you believe her the only contract issued by singlepoint of this kind) for a 12 month deal… Amazing says I. Then i think i’ve been a bit harsh on the lass … and say to her… look i’ll meet you in the middle… you extend all my 6 month freeby stuff to 9 months(so its half of my contract) and i’ll sign for 18 months - i dont want you to get in trouble…
She just cuts me off" no its done for 12months- you’ll have your phone on friday and can i do anything else for you… " and basically hangs up…

I’ve never met such a company with such utter utter crap customer service. (i’ll regale you with the rest of the story some time!)

Sorry for hijack of thread, didnt mean to but your post just opened a can of worms for me. .