Email notifications delay

Having issues with my emails from the club, some are arriving 24hours after the post was made,
For example I’ve just had the email about Neil selling his car… Although I know that was made yesterday

Are you on gmail or Hotmail?

Mail is being successfully sent by the forum correctly:

It’s just being delayed because Hotmail doesn’t like you receiving so much mail from us.

That happens quite frequently with Hotmail…

… Especially because you have your email settings to the nuclear :exclamation: “mailing list” mode which sends you an email for everything.

For example you were sent 98 emails on April 1st alone.

Hotmail imposes limits on how many emails we can send to you, by both per hour and per day - you are hitting these limits.


HA HA HA ok well that just goes to show the forums on the up still!!!
98 in one day! All I can say is "well done gtouk you’ve broke my email!!!)

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