Essex meet tues 28th from 7pm

Another month where the essex meet ‘organiser’ hasnt organised it! Can we sack him?? :lol:

I know there are a few newbs who are thinking of coming so the address details are;

Haywain Beefeater
High Road,
Stanford Le Hope,
Essex SS17 9NR
Tel. 01268 554500
Fax. 01268 581752,0.46654164&loc=GB:51.55071:0.46654:16SS179NRSS179NR

Upon arriving at the Haywain please proceed to the very end of the access road and turn left, You will find everybody in this area of the car park where you will find loads of parking spaces.
Please be aware that there are speed bumps as you cross the car park at the beginning but if you use your eyes you will see that!

There was a really good turn out last month so it would be good for the same this month, my kid brother will be blessing us with his sarcastic wit and his new motor this month too.

see everyone there
Pete 8)

I’ll be there, with my camera :wink:

I will be looking out for you this time you sneaky bugger, you wont be getting shots of me fixing exhausts this time :lol:

Was rather good last month to say the least - lots of chatting and cars :slight_smile:

(28?) …!

I was walking about with a camera, but also chatting too much - just a couple of shots from last month!

Several ‘supercars’ up there - including Robs little machine

…and a Demon one…

Few cars dotted around the car park

Even ‘would be’ racers :wink:

Watch out for things in the road tho!

Now THAT is a puncture! :slight_smile:

Goes on till after dark too :wink:

Cant recommend it enough :slight_smile:

How did that shonkey old alpina 3.3 get in on the act… :wink:

Might “pop” down, will see how I feel.


Clare and I will be there!

Haven’t been to this one since last September :shock: … :oops:

Rich :slight_smile:

Photo’s :

Bob’s lovely interior :

Not sure what Pete’s doing here, either he desperatly needs a wee, or he’s having a dump :lol:

Though i still won the blue lights competition at the april meet : :lol:

Photos excellent as usual 8)


What you can’t see is Corrine walking off after peter mentioned that he wanted to take some more parts home and she had just kicked him in the whatsits…lol

Good girl…lol

Cheers I’m on Corrine’s side Rob

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well dear readers, what I was actually waiting to do is take this picture of my brothers car;

But as you can see from this following picture that I took a few seconds before, it was about to be ruined by some bloke in the background who has a camera that has somehow bonded itself to the guys hand!!!

I dont think I need to say who the man with the half camera/half hand is, we all know! :lol:

Corinne was actually alright with everything that night because claire was there too- she will be pissed when she gets back from her weekend away and finds 6m of 3" stainless pipe in the house though :lol: :lol: :lol: