Euro Road Trip & Le Mans 2012

We are planning to attend the Le Mans 24 Hour race again this year. It falls on the weekend of the 16th & 17th June 2012.

Our intention is it extend the usual trip from a few days to a week, make a Euro Road trip of it and take in the Stelvio Pass before the race. It’s quite a distance but should be good fun and will start on Sunday 10th or Monday 11th June.

If you’re not up for the visit to the Alps, we can still all meet up at Le Mans for the race weekend and take in a few beers, BBQs etc.

Any interest?

So far Michael & I are on board.

If you need further info, let me know.


That sounds like a truly awesome trip. I’m sure funds won’t allow for it but I will keep it at the back of my mind, just in case.


Sounds like an amazing trip.

I make it about 2000 miles to the pass and back via Le Mans.

I’d love to go, but it’s a bit rich for my blood!

I may yet do Le Mans though!!


[quote]Sounds like an amazing trip.

I make it about 2000 miles to the pass and back via Le Mans.

I’d love to go, but it’s a bit rich for my blood!

I may yet do Le Mans though!!



It is a fair trip, but it’s Michael’s 50th B’day next year so that’s the excuse.

If you still fancy Le Mans let us know, I think the usual team has split into two, so we’ll be going via Stelvio and the rest directly to Le Mans a little later in the week.


hey it sound like a good trip put us down as a maybe, any chance of stoping at disney paris? for the kids of course. :oops: :wink:

Depending on work as to wether in uk or not…would like to go as think would be a good trip


[quote]Sounds like an amazing trip.

I make it about 2000 miles to the pass and back via Le Mans.

I’d love to go, but it’s a bit rich for my blood!

I may yet do Le Mans though!!



It is a fair trip, but it’s Michael’s 50th B’day next year so that’s the excuse.

If you still fancy Le Mans let us know, I think the usual team has split into two, so we’ll be going via Stelvio and the rest directly to Le Mans a little later in the week.


Hey Justin Two good excuses it’s my 60th :wink:


Tickets now booked for Le Mans with camping on the Beausejour campsite.

Currently looking at hotels en route to the Stelvio Pass. 8)

Hey Justin Two good excuses it’s my 60th

_________________Is that all, 60 :wink:

sorry realy fanced this but i found out i am not to well and have to start hospital treatment mid may hopefully next year have a grate time. simon :wink:

Well, in a double turn around, I have now purchased tickets for this.
Camping in the same site as you lot, will be only myself and co driver.

We plan to travel overnight on the thurs, will be arriving Le Mans sometime Fri AM.


[quote]Well, in a double turn around, I have now purchased tickets for this.
Camping in the same site as you lot, will be only myself and co driver.

We plan to travel overnight on the thurs, will be arriving Le Mans sometime Fri AM.



Do you want us to reserve a spot for you ?


Just an update from me.
My tickets and travelling arrangements have been sorted.
Now hopefully we can come up with some lodging to the alps and back to Le mans


PS .Anyone still interested, link to tickets

Well this Monday 11 June
Justin, Michael and me, we’re off to the Stelvio Pass then back up to Le Mans for the 24 hours at the week end.
Should have a great week of petrol head nevana :skid:
Just wished a few more guy’s would have been up for it.


[quote]Well this Monday 11 June
Justin, Michael and me, we’re off to the Stelvio Pass then back up to Le Mans for the 24 hours at the week end.
Should have a great week of petrol head nevana :skid:
Just wished a few more guy’s would have been up for it.


See you at Le Mans?
Pm me your number.
We leave on the Thurs night.

Did you get to go up Stelvio pass and if so what was it like for the tt’s if any went

Oh yes Twice, Once in the dark :nervous:

I will get round to putting some pic’s on here
At the moment we’ve consolidated all our pic’s on Dropbox
