Events - Last Quarter of the Year

So we’re heading towards JAE, and as most of us know, after that the events scene goes pretty dormant, the dark nights start to set in along with Winter depression… nothing to do with the weather, simply the show season has ended and we don’t now know what to do with ourselves :joy: miss showing off our pride and joy, meeting up with each other and having the crack.

So this is just a post to say, if you have an event you’d like to arrange, to help get us all together in the ‘dark’ months, give us a reason to polish the car or as in @3000gt case, pop down to the locals :grin:, with all the Club equipment at hand and help to get your meet sorted, you don’t need to be an events organizer or Committee member to do this.

The Club has invested a lot of money in equipment over the years, so lets USE IT.

Personally we’d quite fancy a road trip/convoy to Scotland @spiros, there is amazing scenery especially during the latter part of the year and roads designed for the Grand Tourer, don’t know if we could get that together with enough interest though due to understandable costs for those further South, but me, Steve and the Hulk have this on our agenda for sometime soon.

So go for it guys. Shout out if you have any ideas for after JAE.

Tracie :bee:


I don’t think I can make it to JAE due to getting some work done to the car Tracie therefore will be good if we can arrange something up here and also a bonus if some of You can come up :+1:


I would be up for a road trip to Scotland @Tracie. Might have to meet up to sort the details out, which would be another chance to get the cars out. Just make sure it never rains or snows while she’s out.


Pick me up on the way there!!


Nc500 (north coast 500) by any chance haha good views and up north

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This one Yep’ that’s the one I would love to do.

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Great that’s 3 in but Ian you do realise you’ll have to put your factory condition “could eat your dinner off the engine bay” vee hickle on those naughty dirty roads :joy::joy::joy:

Tracie :bee:

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I can make an exception for that trip. Plus I will be taking the cleaning gear with me.

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good rd trips up north horth this was at the wigwams in tyndrum just outside crianlarch in 2010 lol :wink:

ive did applecross ullapool durness etc but the applecross rd isn’t suitable for a lot of cars last trip we did we had 10 cars it was a bit crowded ,single track rds with passing places and wide cars don’t go lol


Too far for the Southerness Stuart :smiley:

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Hum 8hrs17mins in a gto, i used to travel to Scotland loads to see Anna’s relatives but after getting blown off by the a66 I said I would never return.:sob:

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Easy Peasy Dave :joy:

It is pretty far but if you want to see Scotland that’s the way to go through the hills and up the coast they would just set up shop and live in Scotland after that trip


And we wouldn’t have to travel too far for meets :grin: