Everyone at the AGM

Daft note really but I’d like to thank everyone who turned out for the AGM and also the evening do .

It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening , personally I wasn’t sure how I would find it but it was no different than any other and made another one of my goals easier :sunglasses:

I’d also like to thank @3000gt for constantly putting temptation in my way both at Pizza Hut and with your 12 quid drink lol cheers mate :joy::joy::joy:

Can’t wait for the next one :sunglasses:

Nice to see nobody left out in the cold looking in , well apart from us smokers anyway , this is what makes the club great , the meets and friendliness and banter , nobody is made to feel unwelcome

I would all like you to spare a thought for poor @BexGTO too bless her , not only did she get excited and forget which weekend it was on when she did make it she fell asleep and missed some of the evening , PMSL :joy::joy: sorry @BexGTO, I couldn’t resist

Craig :grinning:


Haha yep it had been a long and trying week. But we are at Silverstone this weekend so all good :blush:


Thought that’s what had happened @BexGTO :joy: :joy: :joy:

To everyone who made it a thoroughly good day and evening, not that there was anyone who didn’t, look! its late 'ennit :thumbsup:. New faces just fitted in as though they had been here ages. Just shows what a great club this is.

Terry :sunglasses:


Thanks to all the organizers and thanks to all that came! :slight_smile:


Didn’t want to start another thank you thread but I did want to thank everyone for making carly feel so welcome she loved it and thought you all lovely… Well mostly all of you :joy::joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yep it was brilliant anna now hooked prob more the alcohol than cars, let’s see if one of us can get on Jeremy kyle may get even more interested trying to get something sorted for birthday bash😀


Thanks from me too, enjoyed the weekend and good to see everybody



Some car photos on a very frosty morning!


Some more.


Was cold that Sunday morning, but when I went late Sat evening had to peel the wipers off the screen to help clear it so I could see where I was going.

A Hyundai Coupe just doesn’t “kick the tyres and light the fires” really, but, it got me there and back so can’t complain!!!

Terry :sunglasses:


Great pics @jerry_SC hard to believe that’s the middle of April :scream:


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Nice to see someone taking pictures of gtos other than drunks …nice one jerry :grinning:


Do you mean Jerry, Dave, :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: (started early then :wink: ) The only picture I took was the 171 I scored in the first round of the bowling, was sh.t in the second round :joy: :joy:

Terry :sunglasses:


Lol under normal circumstances I would lie and say it was the spelling check and not the fact I didn’t pay attention, reading the full post… wine o’clock 🖒


Nice photos :sunglasses:

I would also like to congratulate @stevie as he is now our new chairman , @NAS who is now secretary and membership and also thank them for the work they have done in their previous roles over the years .

Congratulations to @Butler for stepping back into a committee role after having to stand down previously for family matters , Steve is a good guy and full of enthusiasm for the club .

Commiserations to @Steven_Smith , but also a well done too fella for putting your name forward and having a go for it , it’s daunting so credit where it’s due :sunglasses:

I’d also like to say a huge thank you to @Tracie for the work she has done along side Steve in his previous role .

Obviously I’m not missing out @gavin_naish and @3000gt for retaining their respected roles in which they work hard

Craig :grinning:


@CDMH Why commiserations? I’m reserve, best place to be, all the glory none of the hassle! :smiley:


You know what I mean :grinning: Either way it takes “guts” to step up to the plate

Craig :grinning:


Thanks @CDMH feels good to be back


Thanks @CDMH.

The work with the Membership has been somewhat time consuming, but I know I don’t need to tell you that seeing as we took it over from you, hopefully now the automation is in place, the job for Neil will be much easier.

Having said that, I wouldn’t say I’ve not enjoyed it, I’m always in my element working along side Steve, both for the Club and our business.

@3000gt has also helped and supported us a lot since taking over for which we are grateful.

Now looking forward to supporting Steve in his new role as Chairman which will be more about club drive and club enthusiasm than administration.
