Finally bit the bullet! :)

Hey guys!

Well I’ve bought my GTO finally! Black MK1! Don’t pick it up yet as it’s having it’s breaks done, an oil change and new wiper blades. Everything seemed spot on…I’m no mechanic but there were no funny noises, funny smoke coming from it or rattles, engine looked good & no rust anywhere or underneath so I’m hoping it’ll be a great car! :slight_smile:
I got a quote off Adrian Flux before I bought it & it came in at £695 for it being parked on the street. I have rang up today and said it will now be garaged as I’ve managed to get use of a garage but the quote is £5 cheaper! Can anyone suggest a way to get it cheaper or another insurance company that may do it cheaper?
Also is it bad to drive it a few times short distance? It won’t be a habit but I want to show people in work & my dad…both of which are about 2miles away(!)…may be a stupid question but I know it kills the car doing short journeys but wasn’t sure if that was if you were doing it all the time?

Cheers guys I’m finally a GTO owner!!! :smiley:

Welcome to the fold and be good to see the pic’s of it when you have it and hopefully bring it along to the various shows.

Thanks! :slight_smile: Yeah I’ll be wanting to go to some meets! Not sure how to post photos on here via my phone so heres an instagram link for now. More photos to follow when I get it :slight_smile:

Looks a tidy one…

Welcome to the club,
Black MK1s look 8) 8) 8)

I am glad you sorted one and hope you come along to a meet soon. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the club.

One way to put photos up is to upload them to something like and copy the link starting with , then paste it into your post where you want it to appear.


dropbox is another good host and after signing up and doing a few things you can come out with about 60gb of storage :slight_smile:

Cheers guys I have now downloaded photo bucket…just need the car now to take photos of it! :wink:


Try the comparison sites and just try different option like maybe add your wife/sister and see if things change the price much but I’ve always found them much cheaper than phoning around.

Generally i found admiral/elephant to be the cheapest. but i recently did my GTO with RAC, and my 3000GT is with Elephant, both around £200


you could insure it as a classic as its a k plate with footman james with a limited mileage policy, i payed £215 roughly for mine all in and they spread it over 3 payments

the main requirement was a cat1 alarm with install certificate which they want posted to them

[quote]you could insure it as a classic as its a k plate with footman james with a limited mileage policy, i payed £215 roughly for mine all in and they spread it over 3 payments

the main requirement was a cat1 alarm with install certificate which they want posted to them[/quote]

Aaah thank you so much I have been getting quotes from £700 - £3000!!! Just rang Footman James and got it as a classic for £170! Made up! Although they said it has to be tucked up in it’s garage from 10pm till 6am…is that the same for you?



yup mines 12pm till 6am :slight_smile:

thats a good quote 8)