First 3-5 posts to non-members

I was looking at the forum without logging in when I thought to myself there is a lot of useful information that non-members don’t know about and could be the driver for them joining.

So I wondered if rather than stopping them from viewing the threads/topics all together is the post count is higher than say 10 we should show them the first 3-5 so they get interested and want to read the rest hence joining. They wouldn’t be able to reply without joining either.

The reason for the 10 post count on the topic is to reduce people viewing threads which solve their problem in a few short posts.

What do other people think?


Hi Steve,

The committee are having a meeting regarding what is best for new members. We are looking into improving the website and forum, but still keeping it fair for paying members.

This is a good suggestion, ill add it to the meeting agenda as an idea.
