Forum Outage/Issue

Last night the forum went down with error 500 about 00:36, I put in a ticket with the host about 10 minutes later.

They fixed it at 03:14, but obviously I was asleep by then :slight_smile:

Woke up this morning and couldn’t view any threads.

Not sure what they changed but it upset one on the SQL statements to do with the garage modification.

I have altered the SQL statement and fixed this.


When I posted this thread I saw there was also an SQL error in the posting script, to do with the Auto Group mod

I have now fixed this as well.

If anyone gets a DEBUG message on another page can you post it here and explain exactly what you did to get it.


Well done Mr. Toad!!!I know exactly what you are talking about with my vast knowledge of IT. What you up to today?? Fancy a trip to the market?

getting a debug error when i try to edit my garage modifications :?

Could Not Select Modification Data


SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column ‘mods.category_id’ in ‘on clause’

SELECT mods., g.made_year,, images., user.username, user.user_avatar_type, user.user_allowavatar, user.user_avatar, images.attach_ext, images.attach_id, images.attach_file, cats.title as category_title, makes.make, models.model, bus.title as business_name, ins.title as install_business_name, as install_business_id, CONCAT_WS(’ ', g.made_year, makes.make, models.model) AS vehicle FROM phpbb_garage_mods AS mods, phpbb_garage AS g LEFT JOIN phpbb_users AS user ON g.member_id = user.user_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_categories AS cats ON = mods.category_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_images AS images ON images.attach_id = mods.image_id LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_makes AS makes ON g.make_id = LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_models AS models ON g.model_id = LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_business AS bus ON mods.business_id = LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_business AS ins ON mods.install_business_id = WHERE = 2216 AND = mods.garage_id

Line : 3712
File : functions_garage.php

Vikky can you try it again for me :slight_smile:


sure mark 1 sec…

Yep thats it,works normally for me now,cheers mate :praise: :praise: