Forum running slow

Seems like it is intermittent, which is always a bugger to diagnose.

I know it is a shared server I bet there is another site on there hitting the CPU every now and then.


Good ping and tracert don’t mean the web side of things isn’t doggy. Seems fine here now but it was very doggy about 1830 yesterday.

I just tried opendns as well and it does seem faster.

No but I was trying to work out if it was on the server, or on a router. Thing is it not our server, all we get is a cpanel and don’t get to see bandwidth or CPU etc of the server itself.


I know every one is doing their best… so not complaining but just so you know its has just taken me 15 to 20 minutes to place a post :frowning:

as said don’t take this a a moand as I know your deailing with it… just keeping you informed :wink:

Mmm!.. 20 minutes may be an exaggeration but seem like that as it took forever and many
attempts and for a whilt there was no edit buttons on the top of the post. :roll:

Main issue is they keep telling me nothing is wrong, and I reply saying people are still having problems etc. Then they take another 6 hours to reply to that.


[quote]Main issue is they keep telling me nothing is wrong, and I reply saying people are still having problems etc. Then they take another 6 hours to reply to that.


Your persistance is appreciated Mark… :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work Mark.
Sites been running fine for me since yesterday after about 7pm :wink:

I have added some debug code into the forum.

At the bottom of every page there is now a debug line that tells you how long it took to create the page and how many SQL statements it used to create it.

[code:1:6d1f5e36b8]phpBB Created this page in 0.174015 seconds : 27 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled[/code:1:6d1f5e36b8]

If any of you are having issues can you post this line in here for me, so we can see if it is server load.

Anyone having issues still?


I’ve had a couple of timeouts this morning Mark. Firefox and OpenDNS.

phpBB Created this page in 0.119435 seconds : 23 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled

This was the code, but the page failed to load properly (GTOUK Forum Index), missing graphics and extra text before the post headings. Clicked the link for this post and twice got a server timeout.

Me think it still not worky :roll:


phpBB Created this page in 0.186567 seconds : 22 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled

This code is total crap; just timed it and it took 28 seconds to incorrectly load the page. :shock:

At least it didn’t time out this time :roll:


phpBB Created this page in 0.129293 seconds : 27 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled

Pretty much the same. Click a link and it can take up to 30 seconds before the page appears - slowly and with errors!

It not total crap, it is timing how long it took the server to create the page, not how long it took to send it to you, thus it looks like a connection issue rather than a CPU issue.


Sorry Mark I know you are doing us proud, just a little frustrated by page load errors and timeouts :lol:



phpBB Created this page in 0.211296 seconds : 35 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled

Yet it was on the verge of network timeout again. Took about 12 seconds to load this very page.

Could there not still be a bottleneck somewhere? The phpbb is showing proc times you would expect but the resulting pages still have to be served to the requestor?

The strangest part is I haven’t had any slow loading at all, from work or home.


what is a good phpBB when it is running correctly…

this what I just had.

Error Code 10060: Connection timeout
Background: The gateway could not receive a timely response from the website you are trying to access. This might indicate that the network is congested, or that the website is experiencing technical difficulties.
Date: 06/11/2008 10:25:04

I can see why this is so hard to diagnose because it seems to be so random. All these people above reporting today the same problems I had a few days ago, eg timeouts, and yet today it’s working fine for me - quicker than ever! Very odd?

BTW I know very little about pooters and absolutely FA about networks :oops:

Took 5 minutes to get the 1st page up though… :lol: