Get well soon Tracy

I would like to wish @Tracie my best wishes and hope your feeling better soon . Please take plenty of rest and look after yourself you gave few of us quite a scare last night.

You work extremely hard for this club but for now please relax and look after yourself for once

It’s good to hear you are home and felling better


Craig :slight_smile:


Same here @Tracie sending perky hugs to the parkins… get well soon x :face_with_head_bandage:


Hope your feeling better soon


Hope you feel better soon Tracy.


Thank you everyone for the kind wishes sent on here, Facebook and text.

Feeling groggy and weak still, but much better today, I’ve been respecting my age and body, sat doing crosswords with my feet up.

Steve was an absolute star last night looking after me and dealing with everything although there’s lots I don’t remember as I was semi conscious. Poor lad had to admit to the paramedics he didn’t know where to find my clothes lol. Thank you @stevie and Stevan love you both loads.

Not sure how many speeding tickets will be dropping through the door, but suffice it to say, Steve and Stevan got to the hospital 10 minutes before the ambulance :joy: bless him.
Tracie :face_with_thermometer:


Just read up on this, hope your feeling better. Take it easy.



hope you feel better soon



Get well soon @Tracie, know how you feel, when I went down with this I was shivering and coughing so much that I pulled two rib muscles, thought I was having a heart attack!!!

Terry :sunglasses:

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To the lady who brightens my day at the occasional Santa Pod GTO get-togethers, sorry to hear you’ve been unwell - that must have been quite a fright for you, and Stevie. Glad now to read that you’re on the up again! All the best Tracie,


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Hi Tracie

Like Gavin i only just noticed this myself

Hope you make a full recovery and get back to your normal self quickly

been into too many hospitals in the this last few months to last a lifetime

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hi Tracie i hope you are feeling much better, get your feet up gal and do some chillin, i know Steve will be there for you
Andy :smiley:

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