I am sure re-using it would be fine but for the cost I thought it was worth just changing anyway. Saying that it wasn’t all that cheap because I have a plenum spacer so I have 2 of the f*****s!
Yeah seams cheap but add it up over the years
If you can not afford a gasket sell the car
Lol don’t worry about mr leach.
There’s a reason his name looks like Ms Bleach. But you’ll come to love him none the less!
Personally, I have only replaced the throttle body and plenum gaskets on mine once.
This was when I initially purchased the car.
Since then, I KNOW that the gaskets have always been fitted correctly, and although I do inspect them for damage on removal, I have yet to need to replace them 12+ years later.
I run copper plugs, and change them probably twice a year.
There really is no need to replace a metal intake gasket in good condition, and the people who tell you otherwise, either do not really know what they are talking about, or have something to gain from you replacing the gaskets frequently.
They really are an ‘on condition’ item.
And no, I will not be selling my car! lol
Oh, and if anyone can find where in the manual it states to replace the gaskets every time, I would love to see it.
Just checked myself, and it only states about the orientation.