Grandfather to a fith baby girl today but not all went well

Became a Grandfather to a fith baby girl today 10 lb 4 oz but not all went as well as it should…
my daughter had a suzerain birth but soon after both the baby was having trouble breathing and
my daughter Susie had to be rushed back into surgery with excessive internal bleeding… She’s
now in the recovery room and still waiting to see how she is but was told that she should be all
right and her baby is being cared for in an incubator

Heres hoping they are both ok Alan


Craig :slight_smile:

Hope that daughter and new grand daughter make full and speedy recoveries Alan.
Oh yes…and congratulations to the Grand parents…again.

Congratulations dude, and best wishes for them both :slight_smile: everything will be fine :smiley:

Thanks for the replies guys… Susie is awake now and has just phone to say she’s ok but still very
woozy and her baby is in special care for the night so we’ll know more in the morning

Congratulations & a speedy recovery for your Daughter from GTOUK.


Thanks Julian… will pass the well wishes on from all at GTOUK

She’s had a bit of a time of it… I was told that her stomach began to visually grow larger and
bloat from her bleeding inside and according to her husband it was her screams that attracted the
doctor and nurses… she lost 2 liters of blood and was rushed back into surgery and had to have
some sort of balloon fitted in her that will deflate slowly to prevent the bleeding becoming
worse… her baby stayed the night in the special care unite in an incubator… But both her and the
baby seem to be much better tonight as Susie was moved to the ward and was able to have her
baby with her… Hopefully every thing seems to be getting back to normal but will stay in
Hospital now until at least the weekend… Both her and her husband wanted another child in the
future but it looks like this has killed any ideas on her having any more.

Congratulations on your 5th grandchild

Congratulations on the birth of your 5th Grandchild