Happy boo

tonight i was offered the position of manager over the oil production plant ,so thats me off the shift rota :smiley: although i will be required to cover if no one else is avaliable
happy as a pig in β– β– β–  :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
who says hard work never pays off :stuck_out_tongue:
not bad for someone who started 10 months ago doing maintanance

Excellent news 8)

Nice one Boo!! :slight_smile:

Nice one, you can celebrate on the weekend :slight_smile:


Thats aweseome news dad!!! you do know that means more time to work on GTOs!! no particular GTOs in mind obviously!

Seriously great news though mate!!

great news matey!! well done!!!


Brilliant news there Boo, well done buddy. More money to spend on that already gorgeous motor :smiley:

Nice one Dave !!

Now to rebuild !!

Cheers Rob

Congrats :smiley:

Show 'em how it should be done!

Fantastic news Dave, couldn’t happen to a more deserving lad, know what a grafter you are and it’s now paid off.

Chuffed to bits for you, Tani and the kids mate.

Steve & Tracie

Great news mate, well done!!


Well done Boo, many congratulations and all the very best in your new role.

Result mate 8)

glad to see all that hard work youve been putting in has paid off , nice to hear fella 8) 8)

Craig :slight_smile:

Congratulations :wink:



Congratulations. By the sounds of it you’ve worked hard for it so great to hear. Best wishes.
