
Hello peeps,

Just wanted to say “hello”.

Have always had a soft spot for Mitsubishi since I saw my first Starion Turbo 30 odd years ago. Fell in love with the GTO when it came out and fingers crossed, will have a GTO (non turbo) on my driveway next week after spotting a good one on ebay (touch wood).


Good luck I hope it turns out to be a good one :slight_smile:


I hope so too. It’s bought. Just have to arrange transport to get it up here from Torquay. :frowning:

:shock: Wow that’s a long trip.


Welcome to GTOUK,

Good luck with getting the car home. Fingers crossed with it.


Welcome Gav !

Hi Gav

Welcome to GTOUK 8) , Congrats on your new purchase


Craig :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome Gav :slight_smile:

Yes ditto all of the above, Welcome to GTOUK, Get some picture up so we can all have a look :smiley:



You could try www.anyvan.com to get it delivered to you. I used them for picking my MR up and they were first class!!

I look forward to seeing some photos of your shiny new toy :slight_smile:


Congrats mate
You can simply get it deliver so cheaply at www.dilivi.com. Great people, much concerned and very cooperative.
Hope you enjoy!

I would have hoped after 6 years he would have got it back :wink:


Welcome to GTOUK @muhammad !