Help. b4 my pc goes out the window

Its probably a simple thing that i am doing wrong. Every time i try to upload a picture on to my profile, after submitting the URL address it comes back as an invallid URL address. Yet i am sure i have put the right IMG code in. Any help would be welcome. I do not have the greatest understanding of computers, so try and keep it simple please. Thanks.

post the code up so we can see if there any obvious mistakes in it.

Ok here it is… CHEERS.

NOW WHATS HAPPENED??? I posted a reply with the img code, pressed submit and the photo appeared?

If you’ve got a photobucket account, all ya gotta do is …

select the picture you want…
right click…

Go to gtouk…

type in your message…
right click…

click on preview… you piccy should appear…

click on submit…

Job done…


If it’s for an avatar or sig, it has to be a URL. If it’s for a post, it has to be IMG.

I am still none the wiser. Have tried doing what you said Carl, it doesnt seem to work, although i am probably doing it wrong? Brendon, i put the code in on my earlier post. my photo apeared. Tellyboy, i am trying to put the photo under my username. Now i just have a headache… Cheers all, i will keep trying.

:angry: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry but this is just too funny… nly because it took me anbout 2 weeks to get it rght myself :lol:

sorry i cant be more help but as everyone knows im less than useless with pc’s

Cheers for the input fastbikes76, at least your post made me smile. Im glad im not the only one crap with computers!!!

Try PM’ing one of the moderators too see if they could help, I remember someone else with this issue (might have been me) and it was down to a setting on the user’s account preventing them from doing it. Moderato sorted it asap…


Cheers Elton, i will try that.

still no luck ?

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I have managrd to sort the correct code for the pic, but now when i press submit, it says that i am over the 25600bytes allowance. Any clues???

You need to resize picture. go to the pic thumbnail right click and select edit or resize. Resize to a smaller size and try that…


Yes, i have tried a few sizes, still tells me i am over the allowance.

Ok…as the official dumb and dumber on the forum…pm me the pick and i will try resize it for you… :lol:

I realy dont want to ask, but, how do i do that… derrrr…

:bandance: :bandance: :mrgreen:

we got there in the end…

Nice one fellow. I must say, the pic of your gto looks smart with that back end.

Ok… stop looking at my back end and get that Signature sorted !!

We know how to now :rofl: :rofl: