*herts/beds meet june 10th


after the success of the last herts/beds meet we are planning another one for sunday june 10th at 11am,

but the main question is, where do we want it? as the services were ok but there must be more interesting places locally to spend a few hours :lol:

so if you’ve got any ideas or are planning to attend, post below.

see u all somewhere :lol:


Brendan sugested Old Walden aerodrome? Good idea they have cars older than ours their and the families could have something to entertain them?

looks ok to me,

Not fussed where but count me in :slight_smile:

Old warden sounds good to me


Looks good, should be on for this.

What’s the nearest junction on the A1?


Jim :smiley:

Yup, sounds a nice venue. All being well, plus a nice spot of weather, I’ll bring me little silver gal along.
Not looked at a map yet, but will do soon.



They got a big air show on that day, costs £20 to get in.

as Tracey said,

there is a airshow on at old warden on the 3rd with entry £20 :shock:

so how about standalone farm in letchworth?


or the dehavilland heritage centre in london colney?


Up to you guys i dont mind 20 pound make a day and take the family :wink:

Any decisions been made on this one guys?

Jim :smiley:

this meet will now take place on sunday 10th june,

it will be at old warden aerodrome at 11am,

The Shuttleworth Collection
Shuttleworth (Old Warden) Aerodrome
Nr. Biggleswade,
SG18 9EP

hope to see you there :smiley:


i dont think i’ll be able to make this one guys,

but hopefully u will have a decent turnout like last month :smiley:


Just to refresh this item - I am attending with the wife! You can get food and drink on site and it is quiet Interesting location- So who is coming?

im goint to be going to this


Yup, should still be on for this one.

Jim :smiley:

Just checking in lads & lases.

People on for this so far:

Peter c & his mrs
D collcutt
myself (j50)
LTFC 65 ?
Brendan ?

I think enigma mentioned he might be on for this at the hjscc meet along with A few others.
I’ll see if can drag some of the guys from M&S along.
The more the merrier!

Jim :smiley:

count me in :smiley:

where we actually meeting once inside the grounds?

can’t get there this time I’m working over the weekend

As promised here are A few pic’s.

Realy enjoyed this, great venue.

Also, as luck would have it, there was A jag meet/event.
I love cars :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Good to meet A few new members.

…Oh chitty, you chitty, pretty chitty… :wink:

No jokes about this one. Supercar extraordinaire. (plain interior though!!)
But then again, who cares!?

The good the bad & the ugly…oh yeah & the other 3! :shock:

See you at the next one!


Jim :smiley: