Highway robbery?

I have not yet found a decent GTO, but I’m getting some quotes anyway.

38, Full NC, Garaged, No points or claims.

PREMIUM:- £588 (Including 5% Insurance Premium Tax)

Insurer: Highway Insurance
Cover:- Comprehensive
Legal cover:- Yes
Drivers:- Insured only
Use:- Social, domestic & pleasure
Driving other cars:- Yes
Protected:- No, 9+ Years

A summary of the key-features of the policy is attached for your attention


Accidental Damage:- £350
Fire & Theft:- £350
Glass:- £60

Special Terms

Security required:- Thatcham Cat 1
Subject to satisfactory completed proposal form.
Quotation valid for current month only.

Not too bad I think. About the same as my old FTO!

Ian F.


Try Sky insurance. I’m 36 with 6 point. Everything else is about the same as me but they quoted £520 with protected NCD.

Details are in a thread in the insurance section.

Also try Allen & Allen, they aren’t too bad

Looks like you’ve been done by Adam and the Ants!


[quote]Try Sky insurance. I’m 36 with 6 point. Everything else is about the same as me but they quoted £520 with protected NCD.

Details are in a thread in the insurance section.[/quote]

Here: http://www.gtouk.org.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=19896 to be precise.

I’d definately say try Sky, we have been paying £’s shorts of £900 for the past 4 years :cry: … Just changed to Sky for £391 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: … NOW THAT’S A SAVING TO BE HAD!!!


Good Luck
Tracie :smiley:

ive just had a brilliant quote of Heritage…just to add to your confusion!

£430…though mine is an n/a but then again im 28.


Dawn posted this in July

Hi Guys and Gals,

Del’s insurance was up for renewal, so the job of searching fell to me,here are the quotes we got.

Specs 3000gt TT 94 UK , 8000 miles annually, with all modifications, max no claims and protected, no endorsements, and now eligable for saga. :frowning:

Best was Elephant.co.uk @ £458.65 with all mods declared. We went with Elephant because i like elephants. :lol:
Admiral.co.uk was the same

The rest:
Highway (standard) £472.27
Footman James with mods £3694.80
Swinton (standard) £728.77
Direct Line (standard) £589.05
Adrian Flux (standard) £378. with Mods £502
Direct Choice- wouldn’t cover
Firebond - wouldn’t protect the no claims
Lifesure - Wouldn’t cover car type.
Privilege (standard) £512.40
Quote me Happy- wouldn’t insure with mods
Churchill (standard) £515.00
Norwich Union (standard) £465.99
Liverpoll Victoria with mods £639.63 - This is who we were with last year.Went up nearly £200.
Saga(over 50’s)- didn’t think the car was appropriate for the age bracket. :twisted: (seems i need to order my coffin). Bunch of old farts who think we should be driving around in Lada’s, although their advert pictures a porsche.
LLyodds (standard) £479.85

Hope this helps some of you,
cheers Dawn :smiley:


Not whilst there’s breath in my body. You may as well drive around with no insurance.

Worst insurance company ever.

Adam (still bearing a 5 year old grudge)

I was going to go with heritige car insurrance today but called up and now you have to be 28 :(…

So gave sky insurrance a call…£776 fully comp - unlimitted milage ect 2 convictions…alot better that a-plan or adrian flux! but abit gutted i didnt get with heritige as it was only £460 fully comp :x