Im Freeeeeee at last ! whoo hooo

Well yesterday was the last day in the motor trade for me. I finished work at 5.30pm and will never look back!

I have been in the trade for over 14 years now and have qualified as both a Super bike Technition and car tech. I started working for a small courier company as a ‘boy’ and within 2 years i had worked up through to head tech and then up too workshop manager and finally on to be Fleet manager of 50 motorcyles and 20 cars. That was by the age of 20 !

I then ventured out and opened a bussines with my father and aquired many big contracts for large courier companies and made a massive success of things. Unforetunately my dad was better at spending that earning… so one day he told me he had enough and ‘gave’ the bussiness too me. I was well chuffed till 2 months later when all the debt collectors started knocking on the door. He had passed me the hot coal with 10’s of thousands of debt. I eventually sorted that all out but had to fold the bussiness and get a job again.

I then worked for a massive Super Bike import company and specialised in Preping all the Super bikes as well as all the race bikes we sponsored. Once again i worked up to Workshop manager within about 6 months and had several other companies fighting for me…

At that stage i was really getting frustrated knowing how well i was doing for all these bosses and how in demand i was with the local bike comunity. Im still currently President of a the Full Bore MC bike club in SA with aprox 35 memebers in its Durban Chapter. I decided the only way was to take the plung again and get a workshop going. I had started to dabble a load more in cars and decided the next w/shop would be cars and bikes.

I opened a large warehouse premises with a mate and between us we ran fully equiped workshop speciallising in bikes, cars AND earth moving equip. We worked on all the mining dump truck’s and diggers etc as well as working on rally cars for a company called ‘TransAxle’ and a few others. This was a massive success and i had everything i could wish for.

I gave this all up 5 years ago to move over here with my wife. I sold the bussiness , house, all my cars (about 5) a massive collection of SuperBikes etc. We arrived in the UK and i could not get a decent paying job in the bike trade. I started at Toyota as a service advisor but again soon worked up to workshop manager. My wife also decided at this particularly ■■■■ time in my life she would have an affair with her boss and leave me. Toyota had got worse and was a total sinking ship and i duly abandoned ship and fled to VW. I have since worked for 2 seperate VW’s and have just left the last one yesterday.

The reason is simple. Im moving to Kent with my family next w/end and am no longer prepared to work rediculous hours and w/ends. I have got a job as a boiler engineer with Emma’s dad and will work 8-5 Mon to Fri only.

So after that long speech (thanks to those who bothered to read it all). I have woken up this morning feeling like the weight of the world is off my shoulders and no longer work for ■■■■■■■ anymore. I have worked for 3 really miserable shitty companies for the last 5 years and have been on a slow and constant downhill decent of feeling down and depressed/tired etc due to always been short staffed and my having to do 3 peoples jobs to keep things afloat.

I am seriously high on sheer pleasure of spending a f*&king Sat with Emma (first one this year :shock: :shock: !!!)and able to go to the meet today at the Cotswolds… So watch out world…Here I come :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well done!!

And the best of luck in your new life.

:bandance: :bandance: :bandance:

And I DID read it all - very interesting :slight_smile:

Nice one mate good luck in the new life for both of you in the future :slight_smile:

Well done, you’ve worked hard and hung in there throughout the difficult phases, you deserve some good times now.

All the best for the future.

Tracie & Stevie :lol:

Good luck for the future.

Mark. :smiley:

well done and Good luck for the future.

Dawn & Dell

Good luck mate,

Hope it all works out well for you.


Best of luck Elton buddy, certainly have gotten around a bit and seen a lot of stuff by the sound of it. Definitely hard to beat a “strict” Mon - Fri, 9-5 style job.

Good luck :slight_smile:


Having only really spoken with you the other day, you seem like a real nice guy. We both wish you well in your new venture and hope that you gain the respect that you obviously deserve. :wink:

Dee & Lel

Hey Guys/Gals

Thanks for the good wishes etc… Wasn’t after any pats on the back, Just wanted to express my sheer joy of finaly getting home at night BEFORE my girl goes to bed and also to be able to spend my first Sat with Emma this year !!!

Thanks all,
Much apreciated

Great news mate…enjoy 8)

I have only met Elton the once but I can vouch for the fact he is genuinely nice guy.

That’s one big step mate, good luck with everything you and your family do in the future.


Hey thanks guys… :oops:

Ps youre ruining my reputation as a double hard ■■■■■■■ that would rip someones arm off and beat their skull in with their Humerus.

I really am a tough nut …promise :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Nice one Elton, hope it all goes well for you and your family! …and yes you’re one of the good guys…

Oh and not tough at all :lol:

Martyn :wink:




Hey Andy K,

sorry only just come across this. I’m in St Michael’s in Tenterden.

Just an update on this now that i found it.

I have started my training as a Heating Engineer and will be doing my OFTEC 101(service engineer qualification) in 2 months time. I have opted for the easy way out and will only be servicing oil fired boilers as there is more than enough money doing that and the next step up doing installations is not much increase at all when working for a boss.

I now work for Emma’s dad who is a total nutter and a laugh a minute which makes the day fly by. Emma works for him too in the office so we see each other at times during the day to.

My typical day involves driving through the lovely country side to some uber rich £1 m farm houses where you are normally greeted by some lovely people with the tea and biscuits at the ready. Average boiler service is about 1 to 1.5 hours. Then its of through the country o the next place and same again. The servicing is pretty repetitive but the job as a whole is NEVER the same, you speak too so many different people and go to different places. You get to work on great farms with horses and all sorts around you.

Best side of all is, i don’t work any weekends at all and get home at a decent time so i get to see the kids and eat dinner all together as a family. I feel so alive lately and have far too much energy now :lol:
Perhaps one day i will use that energy to polish my GTO…there is a first time for everything