Insurance covers driving abroad?

I checked my policy and it doesn’t say either way about me driving to France next week. I will be calling them to confirm but does anyone know if standard insurance covers driving abroad or do you need to let them know to gain extra cover ??


[quote]I checked my policy and it doesn’t say either way about me driving to France next week. I will be calling them to confirm but does anyone know if standard insurance covers driving abroad or do you need to let them know to gain extra cover ??


most do cover for 3rdpft abroad in europe. call them incase as some like to know in advance that your travelling abroad.

most of the time includes european cover for up to xx amount of days. Phone to clarify.

Cheers guys,

The answer from our insurance is we are covered 3rd party on our normal policy and cost an extra 20 squids for FC for the week.

So we are now fully covered.
