JAE Entertainment

Friday will be “Fun and games”
Saturday will be optional fancy dress with a " Rock" theme.

We would like to see as many members as possible participating.
No pressure… Well just a little…if you don’t I will cry. :grin:

Looking forward to seeing all you mad people there. :relaxed:

This event is great our favourite since we first joined the club.

Whether you are an oldie or a newbie, fancy dress type or not, or a games participant or watcher, it is such a good laugh, it doesn’t matter.

No need to go to the ends of the earth hiring or buying fancy dress its all very relaxed and kind or 'dig something out, we’ve all been to school and done a sports day, and who doesn’t like to re-visit their youth as big kids which is what we intend doing.

Oh and we’ve never seem Tracey do anything but laugh, so we really don’t want to make her cry, even a little bit.


Rock theme… Bring out the makeup!! Kiss style lol

Tracey (skippy) has given me orders of what i have to wear :slight_smile:


looking forward to it 8) , not too far away now either , first time for me last year in fancy dress but already have a few ideas for this year

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]looking forward to it 8) , not too far away now either , first time for me last year in fancy dress but already have a few ideas for this year

Craig :)[/quote]

You even managed to get bullied, for the real back to school experience :lol:

Only you Paddington. :grin::grinning:

Only you Paddington. :grin::grinning:


You even managed to get bullied, for the real back to school experience :lol:[/quote]

Did you see how stern the headmasters were ? I didn’t want to get in trouble , besides it wouldn’t have been fair to hit you , I don’t hit girls

Craig :lol:

Can one of the admin make this topic sticky so it gets read by as many peeps as possible.

I don’t seem to be able to :frowning:

Done for you Tracey

Craig :slight_smile:

I’m hoping that everyone has read this.

All sorted here, going low key this year, we’ve decided to be Parkin wall flowers and enjoy the entertainment from a distance.


[quote]All sorted here, going low key this year, we’ve decided to be Parkin wall flowers and enjoy the entertainment from a distance.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah right

Craig :slight_smile:


[quote]All sorted here, going low key this year, we’ve decided to be Parkin wall flowers and enjoy the entertainment from a distance.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah right

Craig :)[/quote]

As Boo would say

“How Rude”
