Jap Drag Series Round 1 and Big Bang This weekend

Hi folks

Sorry this is late going up but I have been tied up with the white car.

This weekend sees the 1st round of the Jap Drag Series which is being hosted as an integral part of Big Bang at Santa Pod.

Unfortunately the white car won’t be ready so I will be attending in the red '99 so as to earn vital points for signing on, qualifying and staying on track for 100% attendance bonus points.

Big Bang is mainly centred around Volkswagesn and Audis and unfortunately the RWYB on Saturday is only open to Volkswagens and Audis. Having said that, there is a lot going on at Big Bang, hre is a link to the timetable.


If anyone is thinking of coming along, post up here and I will see if there is any way to get you parking space in the pit area.


Would come up but will be sorting out my heating issue on the car :lol: .

Is that not sorted? I thought we got that licked!


No temp started to go up again when got on 303, so have left it standing till look at it friday so using my toymotor at the mo

Might be a case of bringing it up to temp and the fans kick in with the cap off a few more times.


Poss will try that on fri afternoon when finish work

Good Luck the weekend Andre

Don’t forget points means places !!! :wink:

Good luck Andre

Hay bet it was fun… never been to an event as i have just started with the club when is the next meet? 8)

Thanks guys.

Gordon, it’s tomorrow and Sunday, then round 2 is on the 12th / 13th May at Santa Pod again.


Best of luck André :wink:

Cheers Staff.

Well, after getting there at 8am this morning we finally got to the staging lanes around 4.15pm. However, due to intermittent rain and hail! we didn’t get to run until 8.15pm and then it was only one run.

They track was very slippery and I bounced off the limiter all through 1st and only managed a 1.95 60’ time but nonetheless ran 13.2 @ 106.5 mph.

Not too shabby for full weight!


Not too shabby at all!! And more importantly, your attendance is right up there too. Good work :wink:


Nice one Andre hope today’s went well

Well done André hope you have a ood one today too :smiley:

Jon & Dani

Well done Andre - you certainly have a knack the getting/wringing the best out of our cars!

I am miffed I missed this one and I am also going to miss the next one and the one after that. Urgh.

Just seen you have done this run:-



Nice one Andre

Nice results Andre

Seeing what you have done with the 99 cant wait to see what happens when you unleash the white one again 8)

Craig :slight_smile:

, I did manage a 12.9 @ 104

This was enough to qualify me in 4th even though Liam in the RX7 in the other lane ran 4/100ths quicker, his diff locked up after the finish but before we got to the relief road, so he couldn’t be weighed in and so his time didn’t count. John Stocker ran 13.0.

The pairings for the 1/4 final were a bit strange to say the least and I got paired with 2nd place man Jeff Ludgate who ran a 9.7 @ 149. Jeff had broken his rear diff on Saturday after waiting for 4 hours in the staging lanes due to the weather! We staged at 16.15 and only got to run at 20.15! His diff was fixed overnight after a part was collected from a friend.

This was not the end of it for Jeff though, he developed clutch problems in the final round of qualifying and wouldn’t make the 1/4’s so I effectively got a bye.

Another notable 1/4 final was 1st place man John Hanton in his R35 who had run 9.2 @ 160 against 5th place John Stocker in his 200sx. The R35 was however tripping into safety mode part way up the track as his ecu started seeing a drop in oil pressure on launch. This was one hell of a race. Hanton flew off the line, hit safety mode and Stocker started reeling him in ending with Stocker running 12.0x and Hanton running 12.1x, Hanton pipped Stocker by 8/100ths of a second on reaction time to take the win by 3/1000ths of a second! It was so close, neither driver knew who won until the slips were collected.

The semi finals turned out to be John Hanton with a bye and Liam in the RX7 racing me. Liam ran 11.3 in the 1/4s to beat Dave Greenhaulgh in his 1100 hp Skyline when he missed 2nd.

First up Liam and me, so I rolled up to the start and lit the pre stage lights, my plan being to let him fully stage and then make him wait a while before I fully staged and hopefully unsettle him a bit. No need, he broke in the burn out box! So once again I had a bye.

On the way back down the relief road I was already planning my strategy for the final against John Hanton who would go through as he had a bye in the semi finals. I pulled up to scrutineering to get weighed and the guy said " you won’t have heard this but you have just won" I said “I know the RX broke in the burn out box”, the guy said “no you have just won, John Hanton forgot to stage before trundling up the track and therefore disqualified himself, it just came over the radio”!

Apparently that is 2 fists in one day, the first time someone in the JDS has forgotten to stage and the first time anyone has won in their ‘spare’ car!

So all in all, I didn’t actually get to race ANYONE in the 1/4s, semi’s or final…what a weird weekend, but I’ll take the points, trophy and prize money any day of the week! :wink: :lol:

Round 1 of the JDS to the GTO!!!


I know it a shame you didn’t get to race anyone to win but still as you say 1-0 to the GTO…well done