JAP night at @ Brands Hatch 12/2/09

Hi everyone, sorry for such a long post but there is a lot to be said! :oops:

Finally everything is go for a JAP meet at Brands Hatch! 8) JAPT has been given the go ahead off the back of PREPT- a German night that has been taking place every month for some time now, with 150+ cars turning up.

This is the first meet to determine whether it’s going to be successful or not, it will be held on Thursday 12th February 2009 7.00pm till late and if successful every 2nd Thursday of the month. Track evenings will become available on the summer nights of the meet along with BBQ’s and we can also open the go kart track and see who’s really the fastest of the Jap car owners! :lol:

There is a small fee of £2 per car for Entry to the meet but that’s a small price to pay for such a good venue.
Food will be available at the Kentagon (for those of you who don’t know that’s the Brand hatch bar/cafe!) along with soft, hot & alcoholic drinks. Usually a full menu is available but as this is the first meet the menu will be limited. I’m sure I don’t need to say it but please drink responsibly if you’re driving!

Rules of the meet:

  1. JAPANESE CARS ONLY! We will let Korean cars sneak in though! :lol: Sorry but if you turn up with your mate in his ‘e.g. Golf’ he will have to park in the hotel car park next to the brands hatch main entrance & walk through. The gate & surrounding area will have additional security & (JAPT) marshals, there will be no exceptions, Non Jap cars will be turned away.
  2. STICK TO THE 10MPH SPEED LIMIT once on site. If you race away from the gate whilst entering you’ll simply be asked to turn around and leave by security who will have been contacted via radio. You are also on CCTV once on site! Same goes for anyone seen driving like complete idiots in any areas allocated to us or outside the venue. We want this to be a respectable meet and police can be called if necessary.
  3. NO PETS. Shame I know but after all this isn’t Crufts!
  4. NO LITTERING. Please use one of the many bins provided.
  5. NO DRUGS. I know some of you out there like a good ol’ smoke but please, have it before or after the event not during and if you’re driving you shouldn’t be doing it anyway!
  6. STEREO’S. Please keep your music to a reasonable level so YOU can hear it not everyone else.

Brands Hatch is situated on the A20 near West Kingsdown. Just 3 miles from junction 3 (Swanley) of the M25
Brands Hatch Circuit


Hopefully see some of you lot down there!

Pete :smiley:

Can’t. Seeing The Script at Camden Roundhouse.

Thanks to the forums we have posted on this meet is looking good 8) So far we have people from the following clubs comming;

MKIVsupra, MLR, SXOC, 350zOC, SkylineOC, Swiftowners, Celica forums, Toyotagtclub, Toyotaowners, Pistonheads and japstheonlyway AND WE STILL HAVE OTHER FORUMS TO ASK!

In fact, the forum who have posted up the least interest is…GTOUK. I know how many owners are local to kent and so far the only people who have shown any interest are Karim, danny c and Evil Rob. Disappointing guys.

Anyway, still a few weeks to go yet! :slight_smile:

I’m on a 06:00 - 18:00 shift then but if i finish on time i’ll probably come down to have a look around, luckily don’t life to far away from Brands.

im up for this only a 30 min drive away for me so as long as the weather is good i will pop up :slight_smile:

Sounds like a good night, :smiley:

Will def try an get down depending on weather, and the mrs!!


Alex is coming in his Glanza and his mate from work in his Civic Type-R supercharged

my mates got a civic type R supercharged :slight_smile: wonder if its the same person… drives around with stupid orange or green wheels on it

Bumb 8)


Well, just a few hours to go! 8)

I will be there early to get sorted so I will see those of you coming down there- you wont be able to miss me as i’ll be the one wearing glasses and in hi-vis, so come and say hi!

Pete :slight_smile:

sorry pete but im gonna have to pull out :cry: :cry:

cars good to go :smiley: , got permission :wink:

but ive put my back out an can barely move at the mo.

hopefully there’ll be some pics posted and enough turn up 2nite to warrant another meet :smiley: :smiley:

gutted steve

im going still, you wont miss me your see the jacket :stuck_out_tongue:

if not get me on 07912851842

What can I say guys- it was a huge success and a huge failure at the same time! :cry:
Due to the weather conditions Brands took the decision to pull the event ten minutes before people started to arrive and at the time that seemed like a bad choice but come 9pm I began to think it was probably the right decision as the snow was awful, if I could spin the wheels of a crappy old polo doing 30mph in third in sure some of the cars turning up would have found it even more difficult! Even though it was awful weather well over 100 cars turned up, which is a good sign for future meets.

We are going to be talking with brands tomorrow and hopefully everything is still go for next month providing the weather is ok! (Security got a bit funny with us about people parking outside, which is why we ended up sending people in the bluewater direction- glad that plan worked well for people). Next time if there is any sign of really bad weather I will put up a number so you can get through to either me or Dan to make sure everything is go.

I’m off to warm up and cry about the failure of this meet, I’ll post back about the next meet soon (next meet should be the same time next month).

Thanks to jason for coming down, sorry it turned out to be a waste of time mate! :oops:

thanks for letting me know about this meet Pete!!! I would’ve come along had I known … When’s the next one? Thanks

Sorry I thought you would have seen this thread!
I will give you a text closer to the time to remind you - i’ll save you a special spot for your old breaker if you clean it before the meet! :carwash: :stir:

Pete :twisted:


Sorry I thought you would have seen this thread!
I will give you a text closer to the time to remind you - i’ll save you a special spot for your old breaker if you clean it before the meet! :carwash: :stir:

Pete :twisted:[/quote]

I will clean her especially, it’ll be the second time in 2 years! She’s good to go now as everything has been done. All that’s left is new wheels now at some point.

I would love to attend a Brands meet so count me in please!


Didn’t finish work till 18:45 and by then already had to make my way home through the snow.

By the time i got onto Canvey Island there was a thick white layer on the roads and cars started to slip and slide so we didn’t to be safe and stay indoors, didn’t fancy the 40-odd mile trip through the snow.

Hopefully next month the weather will be better.

not bluddy good anough…

lucky i didnt wash the car and as the for the huge anousement about

" NO N/A ALOUD" i thought that was rather harsh…
had fun on the way home around the roundabouts though :stuck_out_tongue:

ill give you anoughter chance next month