Japfest 12 may 2012

sorry i dont need extra ticket as my friend cant make it thanks anyway simon :oops:

i have track time for sale as my friend can not make it its at 3.30 for novise my son and i will be in it as well it cost 35 will take 30 :wink:

Already ordered ticket for stand…if required is it possible to get a passenger one as well or better to get on day?

Not sure if all ours have sold out now Dave , if they have then you can just get one extra at the gate 8)

Craig :slight_smile:

I still have two tickets left, I have also had a message that they will send them out at the end of April


i sent a cheque off back in jan for 2 tickets, are the tickets going to be posted to me does any one know, or are we meeting up some where out side castle combe, to recieve tickets then convoy on to the show.
my gto will be on show, cant wait. is any one else coming up from the south west ?

Tickets will be posted to your home address

Simon’s post above says they will be released end of April , Japfest tickets are notoriously released late by the organisers

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]I still have two tickets left, I have also had a message that they will send them out at the end of April


Cn I take 1 of these if still available?
Many Thanks

ok thanks for info. just wanted to make sure.

[quote]Not sure if all ours have sold out now Dave , if they have then you can just get one extra at the gate 8)

Craig :)[/quote]

Cheers for that Craig…sorry for late reply as you know have a lot on my mind at mo…hopefully chat with you at AGM


any tickets left for JAPFEST? if yes, can i have two tickets please?

Looks like I got a ticket and am attending too. See you all there! (thanks Simon) :smiley:


It was great to meet you guys yesterday. and want to thank to Simon for Japshow ticket.

Good to meet both of you too 8) , nice having a stealth at a meet something dfferent to have a look around

Craig :slight_smile:

it was really great meeting, fantastic people and cars, such a good fun we had. just not enough time…

What are the rules with JAPfest and a Dodge ?


i was asking this question myself, and not sure who can answere this question. i will email them just in case. hope there wont be any problem to get in?!?

I guess you just need to point out it a Mitsi GTO resold as a dodge in the usa


i just send them email, and hope they replay with good news.

There are that many aftermarket bodykits on the market im pretty sure it will go un noticed at the gate

Craig :slight_smile: