Japfest 2 7 July 2013

I’m trying to order tickets for 3 of us but the shop says there’s no stock left :s

Have e-mailed JF2 to ask for 5 more tickets plus stand passes, as soon as have reply will keep you posted.

Sorry we pinched most the tickets :oops:

Should think so too :lol: :lol:

Ok well let Me know when the tickets are available. Need 3 and a car stand pass

This is just up the road from me, if I buy my tickets straight from the organisers, can I get stand pass? or are they already gone?



[quote]This is just up the road from me, if I buy my tickets straight from the organisers, can I get stand pass? or are they already gone?



Hi Rob,

In answer to your question I shouldn’t think so, but not sure, but I have just asked for another 5 which will come with stand passes, will update once get them, I know Chris (Curd) wants 3.

Ok, if you could provisionally put me down for the other two that would be great. I’ll be going anyway, but it would be nice to be on the club stand…



Are the extra tickets available yet?

Yes, extra tickets added to club shop - get them before they run out! :slight_smile:

3 tickets purchased…just need car/stand pass now

Myself & Diane will be there, just paid for 3 passes, well someone has to keep an eye on all you rabble :roll: :smiley:


Looks like this is going to be well attended :slight_smile:

All the tickets for this gone?

Yes but how many CARS will be on the club stand? are all the people who have purchased multiple tickets taking that many cars, or are there spare car passes as I was too slow to get the tickets from the club shop I can get them direct but a stand pass would be nice if there is one spare?



As you have pointed out Rob yes there will be club stands not being used. I for one will have 3 spare

I also think If we can all work together in getting these passes used then the club are looking at a very good stand :smiley:


cant work out how to pay for tickets through club shop,if theres none left will have to buy elswhere.i did put my name down early would had liked to be on stand :wink:

Simon i believe all the tickets have gone now that is why they are not in the shop , there are though im led to believe stand passes left over if you purchased your own tickets

Craig :slight_smile:

So we know who has stand passes and how many are left

1, Davet25 Paid + Stand Pass
2, Danielle Davies Paid x 4 + Stand Pass
3, Michael Parker Paid x 2 + Stand Pass
4, Martyn Kitching Paid + Stand Pass
5, Dan Hutton Paid + Stand Pass
6, Julian Paid x 3 + Stand Pass
7, Curd (Chris) x 3 + Stand Pass

Which is all 15 tickets purchased by club, although we have 8 stand passes left.

If you still want to come to JF2 then purchase your ticket through the JF2 site and then PM Simon (3000GT) with your address once pm’d add that you have pm’d Simon to the list so we know how many are left.

Stand Passes Req’d

  1. Rob (Isubp) (Address Provided)
  2. Martin (cantfindthegenepool)
  3. GTO_Simon (Address Provided)
  4. rob_gtott (Address Provided)

Dave I have just purchased tickets for japfest2 and pm’d
simon(3000gt) for a stand ticket so can you add me to the list please
(I dont know how) :oops:
cheers Rob