Japshow…Santa Pod…5/6 July
£20 Weekend Tickets and £12 for Sunday
If your club would like to attend and you have a minimum of 10 cars
*Only clubs who have officially booked in for a club stand at JapShow will be eligible to win the ‘Best Club Stand’ trophy and £250. The decision of the judges will be final and no disputes entered in to.
I will be traveling up on the Sunday as it is the day after I get back from the Rally for Heroes road trip.
Please put down if you want a weekend or just the Sunday ticket also how many please.
Davet + 1
Stevie (poss) + 1
Julian (who isn’t following Stevie) + 1
Rob.gtott + 1
cantfindthegenepool + 1
TheMadScientist (maybe + 1?)
Gurteen0 + 1
Marty K
Butler + 1
ms8leach + 1
gto simon (poss w/end)
Beanus + 1
Dave Taylor 2 x JapShow - Sunday Day Ticket (JapShow) = £24.00
Adrian Feeney 2 x JapShow - Sunday Day Ticket (JapShow) = £24.00
I will be there, hopefully the white car will be fully functional this time. We plan to test this Saturday and hopefully at least once more before the event.
Need someone to collect the banners from me for Japshow as I won’t be taking them on the rally with me and am going straight to Pod from hotel after the end of rally party.